Chapter 11

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Your P.O.V.

When we reached the loft, there was the smell of bacon and pine trees. He'd made three platters of bacon for me, and lit at least a dozen pine forest candles. "Oh, Bill..." I said, taking a deep breath through the nose. "It's amazing." I sighed. He smiled, and led me to the bed where a fuzzy plaid blanket was over our usual covers.

I settled myself on it, snuggling into Bill's shoulder. He had his arm wrapped tightly around my waist, a plate of bacon in his other hand. "Bon appétit, mon chéri." "Merci, mon amour." I hummed with delight, taking a piece of bacon. "You know french?" He asked, surprised. "Of course I do!" I replied. "Grunkle Ford taught me Japanese and French!" Bill burst out into a fit of laughter. "What?!" I asked, annoyed with his reaction. "You're fluent in Japanese and French, but you don't even know what Italy is!" He said. I hit his shoulder and refused to look at him.

"Okay, alright, I'm sorry." "Prouve le. (Prove it.)" "Si vous insistez, mon petit faon... (If you insist, my little fawn...)" He turned my head, much to my dismay, and locked onto my lips. I growled into his mouth, but quickly forgave him. He set the plate of bacon down and used both of his now free hands to pull me onto his lap. I felt my skin begin to tingle at the feeling of his hands, which were roaming up and down my sides. It sent a delighted chill down my spine.

When he finally let my lips go, I panted for air, my eyes closed. "Is that better, ma douce? (my sweet?)" I nodded, still panting, and rested my forehead on his. He laid me down on the blanket, softly stroking at my head. I smiled and hummed, the soothing motion lulling me into a sort of sleepy trance. If my eyes were open, I would've seen him smile with content, his own yellow eye wandering over my figure, stopping on my breast for the tiniest fraction of a second, before going further south, and roaming over my deer half.

Bill's P.O.V.

Looking at her face, I saw how peaceful she looked like this, so sweet, so innocent. A picture of her as a 6-year-old flashed into my mind, and I realized just how similar she was in comparison to her child-self. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair still had that same (h/t) texture. Her (s/c) skin still had that beautiful glow in the candlelight, like it did on those nights when she was at the campfire with her parents.

My eyes moved along her frame, stopping just below her collarbone. Sure, there were some differences, such as the new shapeliness of her bust, but she was still the same adorable fawn nonetheless. Taking my eyes away from that particular area, I looked down at the deer half of her body.

Even in the dim light of the pine forest candles I lit, I could see small spots along her back that were slightly paler than her brown base color. I chuckled quietly, and she opened her eyes. "What is it?" "Even now, almost 10 years later, you still have your fawn spots." I said, gently poking each faded spot. She smiled and nodded. "At least, what remains of them." She corrected. I laughed, and rolled on top of her. "At least, what remains of them." I conceded.

She smiled, and wrapped her arms around my neck, bringing me closer. After a chaste, but passionate kiss, she whispered, "Cuddle with me, my great big hunter." "Anything my little fawn desires." I said, settling my weight on top of her. I then rolled onto my side, taking part of the blanket with me. I wrapped her in the blanket, and she used my bicep as a pillow. Her hand was on my chest, practically clawing at my shirt. "Shirtless?" She asked. "Say please, angel mine." I said, wrapping my other arm around her waist.

She frowned, brought her hand down to the hem, and took the shirt off herself. "You're not getting a 'please.'" She said. "You're not allowed to cuddle with me anymore if you're not shirtless." I pouted. "That's not very nice, (y/n)." "As if you're any better than me, Bill?" I shrugged. "I don't go randomly ripping off your shirt." "That's because I wouldn't let you within ten feet of me for a month if you did." She sneered. "Maybe even longer, depending on how torn it'd be, and if it's one of my favorites."

"You're mean." I whined. "You're annoying." She retorted. "I'm hurt." I said, placing a hand over my heart. "You want me to kiss it and make it better?" "Yes, please." I pouted. She ran her hand up my now exposed chest, up my neck, to my cheek. I felt a soft and gently, yet deep, pressure on my lips. I closed my eyes, and answered back with a very forceful response. She shifted so that she rested on top of me, her two pairs of legs on either side of my hips and ankles. My hands found her waist once again, and I held her still.

Then a thought came into my head... I broke off from her and she pouted, trying to swoop in for more. "Patience, little fawn." I chuckled, placing my index finger on her soft, yet swollen lips. "I have an idea..." She tilted her head to the side. "What idea would you have?" She asked, curiously. "How would you like to be bipedal for tonight?" "Bipedal? As in, walk on two legs?" She asked. "Exactly." I said, my hand finding the area on the back of her neck, and rubbing it soothingly.

She looked down for a few seconds, her (e/c) eyes flicking back and forth as she pondered the idea. "Sure, why not?" She shrugged, smiling at me. I snapped my fingers with a grin, and her dear half disappeared. In it's place, were human legs, adorned with a pair of jean shorts. What? Did you honestly think that I hadn't considered her having no garments to cover her lower body? She'd be so angry at me! No thank you!

Her ears also changed into human ears, and she looked down to see the transformation. "Woah..." She said, eyes wide with surprise. "Do you like them, my deer?" I asked, but she was too mesmerized by her knew lower half to be annoyed by my pun. She pushed herself up off my chest with her hands, until she was sitting upright on top of me. Honestly, I liked it, even if she probably didn't realize how we were positioned in relationship to each other.

She was focused on her feet, specifically her toes, which she was wiggling about, fascinated. "I would've thought it would have felt weird to not have hooves..." She mused. "It doesn't feel half bad." I nodded in understanding. "It really isn't something we humans think about much." I shrugged, folding my arms behind my head. "So, what do we do now? Now, that I'm bipedal, that is." She asked.

"Well, I have a few ideas, but there's one in particular..." I said, my eyes darting to the side. "What do you have in mind, Bill?" She asked. "Well..."

(A/N: I know! I know! I'm sorry! I said this in the last chapter but I promise: this is the chapter that is going to branch out into two parts! A "fluffy" route, and a "lemony" route! I know I said that in the last chapter, but I saw an oppurtinity with this chapter to make the routes even better! I'm working on the "fluffy" route first! I promise, you're going to love it! P.S. the picture is what (y/n) is wearing after she becomes human for the night! God bless Polyvore!)

The Hunter and The Fawn ~ MF!Human!Bill x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now