Chapter 2

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"Huh? Who are you?" You asked a seemingly human man, standing before you. "Where am I?" The two of you were in a greyscale forest. "Aww, you are as adorable as your parents say you are!" He said, coming down to your level. "What? You know my parents?" "Of course I do, (y/n)! You father and I go way back!" He said, patting your hair. You shied away, not really liking how he was so close. "Aww, you're a shy little thing, aren't you?" He chuckled. "My name's Bill, Bill Cipher." He held out his hand to shake. You took it, hesitantly. Upon looking him over, you realized that he looked like a hunter... "I-is that gun real?" You asked. "What, this old thing?" He asked, pulling it off of his back. "Sure it is." You backed up a significant amount.

"Y-you don't plan on sh-shooting me with it, r-right?" "Not if you're a good little fawn..." He grinned. You felt a lump form in your throat. You reached a hand up to wrap around your neck, protectively. He chuckled at your reaction. "Oh come here, sweet girl. I've got something for you." He said, holding something in his hand. You slowly came back. Looking into his palm, you saw tons of, what looked like... "Deer teeth, for you kid!" You clapped your hands over your mouth to keep from screaming. "EWWW!!!" You squeaked. "What, it's not like their yours." He said. You ran your tongue across your teeth to make sure of that. He chuckled, closing his hand, and reopening it. The teeth were gone.

"... How did you do that?" You asked. "That's my little secret, pumpkin." He said with a wink. "Maybe, I'll show you how it works a little later. I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other when you've gotten settled." "Wait, settled?" You asked, eyes widening. "Yes, (y/n). I remember your father telling you about a deal when you were younger, did he not?" Bill asked. "He... he mentioned a deal once... when he was explaining to me why Mommy was a gorgon, and not a deer person like us... But, he didn't say anything else..." "Well, it looks like I'll have to fill you in." He said.

"Once upon a time, your father fell in love with your mother. And together, they made you inside of your mother, I won't go into detail on how though..." You were confused already. "But, the point is: when the Deer-folk found out that your father was going to be a father, and your mother was the mother, they weren't very happy with your father." You looked down at your hooves. "He told me about that part... how our fellow Deer-folk would've kicked him out, had I looked like my mom." Bill nodded. "They planned to kick him out anyway. They didn't want their society to have anything to do non-Deer-folk, and your father was already walking the line with having a mermaid for a sister."

You didn't say anything. "They would've made you an outcast to. If your father hadn't made a deal with me, seven years ago, they would've kicked you both out, no matter what species you were." "What is the deal anyway?" You asked. "I convince the Deer-folk not to kick you guys out, to let you grow up among them, with your parents. In return, seven years later, you come and live with me." He said. "What?!" You yelled. "I have to leave my parents behind?!" "Yes. But, don't worry, I'll take excellent care of you..." He said, pulling you into a not-so-welcome hug. "Umm..." Your deer ears fell back, and you became to tremble. "L-let me go, please?" You whimpered.

"Aww, don't be scared.You're going to be just fine." He said. "I'll come to pick you up tomorrow evening." You looked at him, with fear in your (e/c) eyes. "But, for now, you need to get some rest. Enjoy the night while it lasts, kiddo." He said, winking. "Remember: Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, BYE!!!" You shot up from your pillow, clapping your hands over your mouth to keep from screaming. Outside, you saw the the glow of the campfire, and two shadows. Creeping out of bed, you cracked your door to hear what was being said. It was your parents, and they seemed to be arguing about something.

"Pacifica, you know what the deal was. Bill lets us raise her for seven years, under the protection of the Deer-folk, and then we let him take her!" "I can't let him have my baby! I'd rather die!" "Don't say stuff like that! Bill will stop at nothing to make sure he gets his part of the deal! He will kill you!" "We don't have to give her to him! We can send her away, and she can stay with Mabel! Anyone but him!" "Pacifica, It has to be Bill. He's the one that has to take her. The deal says, we give her to him." "But, I'm scared! She doesn't have a clue who Bill is! We don't know what he'll do to her!" "We don't have a choice..." You could hear them both start to cry, and that just made you cry too. "We have to tell her." Dipper said. "We have to make sure she's ready."

"You tell her, Dip." Your mother weeped. "I can't..." "I'll go wake her up, and tell her what'll go on tomorrow." You heard your father walk up the steps to your room. You opened the door all the way, causing him to freeze. "S-so, it's true..." You said. "I really do have to go with him?" "(y/n), what are you doing up?" Dipper enveloped you in a hug. "I had a dream, Bill came to me, and he told me everything." You cried. "I-I was hoping it was a lie! I was hoping he wasn't real! But..." "Shh..." Dipper patted your hair, lovingly. "I'm sorry, (y/n). I wouldn't have made the deal, if I didn't think it was necessary." "It's okay, Daddy." You cried. "I'll miss you."

Soon, Pacifica came up to join you, wrapping her coils around the both of you. "Dipper, let me talk to her..." Pacifica said, making Dipper release you from his hug, and trot off towards their bedroom. "What is it, Mommy?" You asked, looking her dead in the eye. "(y/n), listen carefully to me. Tomorrow morning, when your father has left to go to the meadow for grass, I want you run as fast as you can. Do not look back, do not stop, and do not talk to anybody! Run, until your legs can't carry you anymore. If anybody manages to stop you, or asks anything, you tell them you are my daughter. Then, unless they welcome you into their home, you keep running!"

"Yes, Mommy." You whisper, kissing her on the cheek. She returned the gesture, with a kiss on the forehead. "It's time to go back to sleep, pumpkin." Pacifica said. You nodded, and returned to your room. As you closed the door behind you, you saw the first drops of rain start to fall through the trees. It became a cloudburst, as you snuggled back into your blankets. As you finally drifted back into sleep, you saw the rain put out the fire.


You trotted down the stairs from your room, to the what remained of the campfire from last night. Dipper was replacing the wood. You didn't say anything, just walked up to him. He saw you coming, put down the wood, and wrapped you in a hug. "I know what you plan to do, (y/n). I know you have set you mind on it. I will not stop you." He said. "Don't worry, Daddy. I'll come back and visit." You said, quietly. Pacifica placed her hand on your shoulder. You turned to her, and looked up into her big blue eyes. "Never forget this:" She said. "No matter where you go, or what may happen to you, you will always be my daughter." Your own (e/c) eyes started to well up with tears. "You hold onto that, and you take it with you wherever you go. You take it with you."

They wrapped you in a final hug, goodbye. You took a rucksack of clothing, and other necessities, from Pacifica. You also took a bag full of food, from Dipper. "It's time for you to go, sweetheart." Dipper said, brown eyes like waterfalls. "I don't want to..." You said, your eyes like downpours. "You have to." Pacifica urged. "But, I'm scared." "We will be with you, no matter where you are." They said together, placing a gold locket around your neck. "We will always be with you." Tears streaming down your (s/t) cheeks, you turned 180 and ran like the wind. Behind you, Pacifica started to bawl as you disappeared into the trees.

The Hunter and The Fawn ~ MF!Human!Bill x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now