Chapter 13 *Lemony route*

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Your P.O.V.

Bill's face flooded with red, and his usual smirk was replaced with an unreadable expression. The corners of his mouth were still turned upwards, but his eyes were off to the side, staring at a drawer in his bedside table. His arms twitched, as if he wanted to reach over and pull something out of that drawer, but he was too slow, as you had already reached over and was opening it up. "Wait, (y/n), hol--" Too late, you'd already pulled out a tiny packet, as the drawer was full of them and nothing else.

Bill's face somehow managed to get even more red than before. You held up the tiny packet, and said, "Do you mind telling me why you have so many of these?" Bill's face was redder than his triangle form when he was pissed. He even went as far as cover his face with his hands. In all honesty, you didn't know why he was acting like this. You have no idea that you were holding a condom in your hand! But, in your defense, Gruncle Ford never really bothered to have "the Talk" with you. Neither did Pacifica, seeing as she never got the opportunity. The only way you knew about 'Mating Season' and what it was for was because of natural instinct.

Even if one of the two of them did have "the Talk" with you, monsters don't use condoms when they do the do, so... "Bill? What even is this?" Bill uncovered his face, which wore an "are you for real right now?!!" expression. "You don't know what a condom is?!" He asked. "I. do. not. get. the way. monsters. teach. their kids!" "What's a condom?" Bill was silently racking his memory for any reason why a female deertaur wouldn't know what a condom is. "Do deertaurs use birth control?" You shook your head, no. "I'm pretty sure that none of us monsters use it." The pieces clicked into place inside Bill's mind.

He nodded, understanding now. "But what does birth control have to do with this thing you call a condom?" Bill was about ready to face palm. "Sex!" He said, blatantly. "Condoms are a form of birth control!" Almost instantly, your face completely flooded to a deep burgundy color. You allowed him to snatch the condom out of your hand, as you finally realized the position you were in compared to him. You were straddling him, and it seems that you've already got him a little bit excited.

You're eyes drifted up to meet his, and you saw the longing in them. "... D-do you want to...?" You asked, hesitantly, hardly more audible than a whisper. But in the quietness of your loft, with mere inches between the two of you, he heard you loud and clear. "You have no idea how much I want to." He said, quickly flipping you over onto your back, leaving the condom on his pillow. You felt a warm heat churning inside you, as he caged you beneath him. Your face was aglow like a Christmas tree, your eyes were wide with surprise as he swooped in for a passionate kiss.

He licked your bottom lip, but when you didn't respond quickly enough, he just shoved his tongue inside. You were still too stunned by his direct approach, so you didn't put up a fight when he claimed your mouth as his. You finally managed to flash back into reality for long enough to close your eyes. You then let your natural senses take over, and laid your hands above your head, as his started exploring your uncharted map of a body. His right hand found one of your twin mounds, and fondled it making you whimper into his kiss.

His other hand kept traveling south, until he found the hem of your shirt. Pulling it up, swiftly, he pinned your wrists down with one hand once the garment was off. You watched as he threw your shirt across the room, before snapping his fingers. His hand around your wrists was replaced with something silky. You looked up and saw his bow tie, binding your wrists together. You flushed as moisture pooled into your heated core.

Your attention was snapped back to his hands, when one smoothed its way from your pelvis to the bottom of your (f/c) bra. You squirmed as he took his sweet time, making his way around to the back of the garment. He unsnapped it, and like a flash, it was one the other side of the room. As soon as he was done with that, his eyes fell on your bust, and you suddenly felt really self conscious. You tried to move your hands to cover yourself, but they were still bound above your head. So you settled for looking to the side, your face red with embarrassment.

The Hunter and The Fawn ~ MF!Human!Bill x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now