Chapter 3

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Thanks for continuing this, it actually means a lot to me :) Comment, critisize etc..x


The week went by really quickly after me and Henry met, we talked on the phone everyday for hours. I thought there would be awkward silences and whatnot but there wasn’t! It was just full flow conversation and it excited me, not in that way! I told him everything about Mark, about the Mark show and he said he’d be there. He’d do anything for me. By the way if I didn’t mention, we’re dealing. You know the stage just before being girlfriend and boyfriend! I know I know, you’re thinking ‘why is this girl getting happy?’ but I really like him, more than I liked Mark. Plus Jen likes him too which must be a good sign. I really want to introduce him to my parents, he’s Nigerian too and he speaks fluent Yoruba (he’s not fresh though). Is he brilliant or what? My family will love him. So I’ve decided that after the Mark show I’ll get him to take me home and meet my parents from there.

The show was amazing! I wore my purple outfit, which many people mentioned was amazing and everyone looked so good especially my man Henry. Bare girls were looking at him like “who is this guy?” and after the show when he came and kissed me (for the first time may I mention) every girl looked green with jealousy. I even heard someone say “first she had Mark and now this hottie!”

I really wanted to laugh but Mark was coming up to me and I was scared so I held Henry’s hand a little bit tighter to warn him.

“Hi, you must be Mark, the host of this amazing show?”

See even in weird situations my Henry is a perfect gentleman.

“Yeah hey, I’m mark...but erm who are you? And what are you doing with my girlfriend?”

What? Did he just say what I thought he did?

“Sorry mate you must be confused this is Tina, my girlfriend.” Aw he called me his girlfriend!

“I know who she is, me and her have been dating for the past week” is Mark losing it? What the hell is he going on about?

“Look Mark, I’m not trying to start any trouble, but why are you lying? You wanted her, you almost had her, you lost her and now I’m lucky enough to have her.” After he said this he gave me a look of such admiration and my eyes swelled up with tears, tears of love. I completely forgot Mark was there but he brought me back to earth by saying,

“You know what, have her! She’s a slag anyway, did you know that? Huh? Did you know she came to my house for a ‘sleepover’?”

“Actually Mark I did know that, because me and Tina trust each other. I also know that nothing happened because her sister came and saved her from you. So stop trying to stir things you useless waste of space.”

From there we walked out with everyone, and I mean everyone, staring at us. I hadn’t even realised we had an audience.

“Sorry about that”

“Oh Henry, what are you sorry about? You’re my hero!”

We hugged and from there went to my house.

I opened the door with my key to hear my mum complaining about how slow her laptop is.

“Hi mum”

“Hello how was your show?”

It was good, everyone said I sang really well and looked lovely”

“Well that’s good, was it worth the amount of money you spent on my emergency card?”

“Oh yeah, about that...I brought a friend to meet you. (Nice subject change) Well he’s more than a friend. Mum, this is Henry.”

“So you’ve brought another one of those boys that just don’t last long?”

“No mum I really like him and I think he might be the one.”

“The one are you sure?”

“I don’t know mum can I bring him in?”

“Yeah yeah don’t leave him out in the cold.”

I went outside and told him he could come in. So I introduced him and my mum just wouldn’t stop smiling, I guess she thought he was good looking too. My dad just did what he always did, give a glance and a smile then go back to the computer. He didn’t care much for my boyfriends; as long as I didn’t get pregnant he was happy. After me and Henry sat down to watch a bit of TV, I suggested we go upstairs so I could show him my bedroom. He hesitated and said,

“Sure, but can I quickly use your computer? Need to check my shifts for next week.” I laughed and he looked at me quizzically as if to say ‘what’s so funny?’ my mum snorted and said,

“Good luck getting on the computer, that useless man is always on It.” by “that useless man” she meant my dad, and she’s right! He’s always on it, doing God knows what.

Once he got what we were laughing at he joined I too, but our laughter didn’t last long as dad started shooting dirty looks.

“For your information, I’m not useless! I’m the man of this house and I demand you respect me!”

You don’t know how hard it was for me to stifle my laughter; he was always going on about how he’s the man, how everybody should do what he says and etc. but because he hardly showed his “authority” we hardly listened to it.

“And I’m not always on the pc you silly little woman, like now. I’m going out.” He sounded so smug at the fact that he’d proved us wrong he didn’t realise he’d just given us exactly what we wanted. But I was a little curious.

“Where are you going dad?”

“Don’t ask questions! Otherwise he might come back!” Haha how my mother did make me laugh, she seemed so glad to be rid of him.

“Well Henry, pc’s all yours. At least until he gets back.”

“Thanks Tina, I’ll be up in a minute.” I should have been suspicious that he didn’t want me to stay downstairs with him, but I trusted him too much to let accusations ruin our relationship. Plus I’m pretty sure my mum would be watching his every move.

After I gave him a tour of my beautifully modern house, it was getting quite late so my parents told him he could sleep in the spare room (which I’m guessing was Jen’s old room).

I’m now going to skip a couple of months (like 4) all you need to know is that me and Henry are still going strong, Ray is still pregnant and very close to her due date. I and Jen are getting closer and closer, and Mark, well Mark doesn’t interfere anymore, just a few dirty looks here and there. So my life is great, although I shouldn’t say that, jinxes things.


it's not over yet guys :D..x

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