
9 1 0

Level 1:
1. Sydney
2. Taylor
3. Kendra
4. Charlotte
5. George
7. Brianna
8. Freddy
9. Richard
10. Jackie
11. Chris
12. Xander
13. Rachel
15. Hope
Level 2:
2. Cassie
3. Weston
4. Lily R.
5. Lily T.
6. Greg
8. Connor
9. Emma
10. Anna
11. Emily
12. Adrian
13. Drew
15. Sammy
16. Audrey
17. Aubrey
18. Sarah G.
19. Ben
20. Sydney
21.Sarah H.
22. Samantha
23. Chloe
Level 3:
2. Yvonne
3. David
4. Emily H.
5. Shawn
6. Emily A.
7. Carly
8. Kylie
9. Harriet
10. Corey
11. Shane
12. Charlie
13. Valentine
14. Gavin
16. Trevor
17. Katie
Level 4:
2. Kaylee
3. Julius
4. Sam H.
5. Rachel
6. Ella
7. Elana
8. Sam G.
9. Adam
10. Sophie
11. Kaitlyn
12. Danny
13. Julie
14. Sophia
15. Elayna
16. Lindsey
17. Reggie
Level 5:
1. Zahavah
2. Alana
3. James
4. Christi
5. Abby
6. Tim
7. Christina
8. Hope
9. Stacey
10. Elijah
11. Sam
12. Elana
13. Rachel
14. Mack
15. Taylor
16. Julia
17. Riley
18. Samantha
19. Trevor
20. Eli
21. Patrick
Which means the people moving up a level are: Sydney, Ashton, Emma, and Lauren, Zahavah will be featured in the routine since she can not move up.
The people going home are: Hope, Chloe, Katie, Reggie, and Patrick.

Competition campDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora