End of week 4

16 1 2

Corey's POV

Today is the day of the performance showcase thingy-mabobber and I'm so excited for our pyramid, my stunt group is in the middle. It's probably because we stand out more with me flying, imagine that, a boy...flying, I'm that small. The level 3 routine is really cool this week, we are doing level 3,4, and level 5 skills, we have a double down from extension, and in our jumps we are doing a toe touch connected to a back tuck. When it comes to our turn to perform our routine, we get into our spots and the music plays..."Level 3 Cheer Fierce are. You. Ready." We go through our routine and every stunt group hit every stunt, that's going to make rankings harder, I hope I don't go home. In the morning I check the rankings and almost pass out.

Competition campDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora