End of week 3

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Charlotte's POV

It's the end of week three and I think I've been doing pretty well, last week I was pretty high up on the level one leaderboard. In our routines, not everything is level one, we have been doing half downs in stunting, we're not bracing extensions or one legged stunts, and we have been working on back handsprings. I'm getting really close to my back handspring. Before camp, I had just gotten my front handspring and I was starting to work on my back handsprings and round off back handsprings. We are about to start the showcase and level one is up first, the room is set up like a competition, there's the blue floor in the front, in the back of the gym there are smaller floors for the next levels. We walk in with our partner, just like a competition, then we go to our spots, the music goes on and we do our routine, only one stunt group fell, Rachel's stunt group, which means Rachel or her back spot, Sam, will be going home.

Competition campDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora