Week 4

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Aubrey's POV

I'm shocked that I made it to week 4, I'm only 9. I know that there are much more experienced cheerleaders here. I wake up and put on a Stingrays All Stars sports bra, Nike pros shorts, Stingrays bow and a Battle at the Capitol t-shirt. In case you haven't guessed, my dream is to be a cheerleader on Stingrays Orange. Once I'm dressed I go to the dining hall for breakfast. Breakfast today is poached eggs, toast, French toast, English muffins, bacon, and sausage. After breakfast I go to open gym, I GOT MY ROUND OFF BACK HANDSPRING BACK TUCK!!!!!!! I'm so excited, that's a level 3 skill, which means I'm more likely to move up. I hung out with my stunt group and Lily (T.) finally was able to do a full down from extension, we also were successful in a kick full and a lot of basket tosses. After that we had to learn our weekly routines, it was fun, a lot of back handsprings, I'm so glad I made it into this camp.

Competition campDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora