III - Seeker

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The other Winters were unusually agitated when Whi'lar and Li'han arrived.

"Thanks the universe you are here!" Said one of the elders. "We need to discuss this issue as soon as possible."

"We've got something important to tell you too," said Whi'lar, but was interrupted by Za'oh, the Winter leader.

"Patience hatchling, hear first."

Whi'lar couldn't stop himself from asking when would the elders stop calling him hatchling, he was already two hundred years old.

Maybe when I get five hundred, I'll be an adult, he thought, bitterly.

"We belive there is an unnatural force absorbing more magic than normal." Said Ku'roh, an elder known for his great intelligence and wisdom.

"It may be just a big creature passing by the Southern territories." Commented Zek'roh, a newly-called adult with skepticism.

"Nothing like this has ever felt in Primoria before." Said Za'oh.

Whi'lar wrinkled his nose, he had heard many of the Winters call the land "Primoria" trough he didn't disliked the name, he preferred to be only called "land" or "the territories".

"We need to get proofs before doing anything." Interrupted Zek'roh.

"We've got those proofs," said Whi'lar. The rest of the Winters looked at him, "we saw the ashes of a Las'tras. You know those things don't just die, something more powerful may have murdered it. May have absorbed it."

"This is nosense," murmured Zek'roh to himself.

"Then we should send an expedition for investigating and..." Ku'roh started.

"Oh, don't worry about that" interrupted a voice that came from the cave's entrance. Everyone looked in the voice direction, before them, was standing a Winter who had missing one claw in each hand, a pair of holes in the mouth were theeth should be, and a large scar that covered the major part of his face.

He was the eldest, wisest and most reckless from all the Winters. There was no one alive who knew his name, he was only known as The Seeker.

It was even said that no creature in the Land could pronounce it.

"What do mean?" Asked the leader.

"I felt the evil force growing, and tracked it down."

"Where is it?" Asked Ku'roh the Intelligent.

"Whitin the mountains, south east."

"Did you get close?" asked Li'han.

"It was something more powerful than anything I've ever seen."

Well, that's quite a thing, thought Whi'lar feeling a chill running down his back, he looked around, even Zek'roh the skeptic was shivering.

"We can get closer, but I need someone helping me."

The Winters took a step back. Except Whi'lar, who stood firm.

"I'll go with you." He said.

He couldn't miss the opportunity to prove he was not a hatchling anymore.

"I'll come, too." Added Li'han.

The Seeker smiled.

"Then, let us be gone." He turned toward the entrance, and disappeared in the growing storm.

The two Winters followed him.


Meir paused as he heard the sound of a stick cracking.

"Who's there?" He asked the cold darkness. There was no response, he focused in the shades of the cottages, in case something moved.

A white haired head came out from behind the frozen trunk of a tree.

"Who are you?" Asked Aaliyah.

"I... was just hearing the story." He rather said.

"Then, why don't you join us?" Invited Meir.

The boy got closer, walking with careful steps. Finally, when he was in front of Meir, he sat in the snow.

"Did you heard it since the beginning?" he asked.

"Since Whi'lar was watching the dead creature."

"Las'tar," corrected Aaliyah.

"Then you haven't missed anything," said Meir "let's continue, then."

Before Winter, before PrimoriaWhere stories live. Discover now