V - The final meeting

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Whi'lar and Li'han flew over the mountains as fast as they could, they managed to stay in the air using mostly their will... and keeping themselves from looking below.

Finally, when they arrived at the place where the Winters were meeting, they saw some Las'tras there too.

"The Seeker," said Whi'lar as soon as they arrived, "he has been murdered."

"We know," answered Za'oh, the leader, "he had the most powerful Winter aura, we noticed him missing at the second, and we knew something had gone wrong."

"What happened, hatchlings?" asked Ku'roh, the wise.

"We found the prison of a dark dragon." Said Li'han.

Ku'roh sighed, "please, for all the magic in the universe, tell me it is not Klaryn."

"I would be lying." Answered Whi'lar, simply.

Now it was Za'oh who sighed, then he looked toward a Las'tras who was by his side, "the time we have feared for so much time has arrived."

"I guess we must battle Klaryn once and for all." Added the Las'tras.

"How are we going to beat him? He has absorber so much magic, including the Seeker's"

"There is only one way to defeat Kalryn," said Ku'roh, looking at the rest of the Winters, then he closed his hand into a fist, there was a gleam of light, and in his closed hand appeared what looked like an ice dagger, "you must wound his very Decay core with pure, Winter magic."

Ku'roh offered the dagger to Whi'lar, who took it solemnly.

"Now, we must wait for Klaryn to come," said Za'oh, but as soon as he finished the sentence, the whole cave shaked.

"I've come for you, magic scums!" shouted Klaryn from outside.


"Klaryn can't win!" cried Aaliyah, interrupting Meir.

"Oh c'mon!" said the Winterian boy, "the good guys always win."

"It may be" said Meir, "but they never win in the same way."

"I can guess, actually," he replied, "Whi'lar uses the dagger and defeats Klaryn in an epic battle."

Meir chuckled, "It may be, but tell me, little boy, do you know how Klaryn did it? Or what happened after that?"

"There is more?" asked Aaliyah, amazed.

"Of course there is, the Winters were a society that lasted many, many milenia after that."

"Well, please continue, then."

"It will be a pleasure."

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