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I jump slightly as I hear the loud chatter of my relatives. And of course when I say slightly, I mean I nearly crawl out of my skin. 

It's Thanksgiving and to celebrate, my dad's assistant thought it would be 'fun' for Ashton, Michael, and I to get out of the house and spend the Holiday with my mother's half of the family.

I, I kind of disagree.

They're noisy, rambunctious, and they're absolutely annoying. Michael feels the same way, but he's not related to them so he can't actually say anything. Then again, Ashton isn't either and he doesn't really seem to mind expressing his frustration with the younger party attendees. 

"Can we go home now?", Ashton mutters as he sits beside me on the couch. I scratch my thumb nails against the side of my wrist, not speaking in response. "Bailey?"

I don't answer, I just take in a shaky breath. Ash stands, leaning down some to reach my arm where he pulls me to my feet. Ignoring everyone in the room, he wraps his right arm over my shoulder and his left hand still grips my own arm. 

I find it hard to explain to you what is happening, even though I'm completely aware of my surroundings, I'm just kind of numb. My breaths are short and shaky and as Ashton opens the sliding glass door, the icy wind bites at the bare skin of mine, open from the rips in my jeans.

Ashton speaks to me soothingly, but I don't really register his words. He helps me sit on a plastic chair on the back porch. I can see that he's worried, and maybe a bit curious. 

Why am I having a panic attack?

Ash holds my hands away from each other so I can't hurt myself with my nails. I don't know how long we're out there, but after a moment or so, Michael comes out with his eyes wide.

I don't quite catch what he says, but he does mention my mother. Ashton replies quickly though his gaze never leaves mine. Michael mutters something, but I just hear the noises of my family from inside. 

Their arguments are all swirled together, and even though Ashton and Michael are the only people outside, I can only hear what's inside.

Then her voice singles out all the rest, questioning my 'stupid friends' and I's disappearance. Michael rolls his eyes and disappears back into the house, my mother's loud questions ceasing near-immediately. Ashton's large hands continue to overpower my own as I continue to try steadying my breath.

"What happened?", Ashton whispers. Michael comes back out the sliding glass door with my flannel in hand, draping it over my shoulders as Ashton's grip releases my hands. "You were doing really well."

"It's nothing," I squeak, my eyes growing heavy. "I just forgot to take my meds this morning."

"No you didn't, I've been with you all day," Michael argues. "Come on, we're going home."

"But my mom will just-", I start to reply when Ashton cuts me off.

"Your mom kind of sucks Bailey," Ashton says, his voice still soft. "She's going to complain if we leave. She'll also complain if we stay. She'll also go on and on about how you never acted like 'this' when she was taking care of you and how terrible your dad is at parenting when she's really terrible at it too. Your mom will complain either way, so let's go home and order some pizza."

I can't argue with him. Ash has been around long enough to know how my mother works. Michael has too by now, but I just feel weird.

I shouldn't have to feel so scared around my mother...


"Shit, I left my jacket," Ashton mumbles as he helps me stand. 

"You go get it, I'll take her around the gate," Michael says as he pulls his own leather coat over my smaller frame. "People are probably not going to notice you going through as easily as the guy with purple hair."

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