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"Idiots," I mumble to myself as I walk down the sidewalk, my arms pressing to my chest for warmth. "Always getting mad for no reason and being fucking idiots."

I continue wandering down the streets, wishing I hadn't stormed off when I got upset. It's really cold. I always get cold really easily. 

But I usually have the two guys to make sure I'm okay.

That's the problem with only having a few friends. When they're all mad, or busy, you're all alone. I'm usually okay with that, but for some reason, I don't feel okay with it now. 

Maybe it's because they're upset with me.

What if they both stayed behind and began thinking that, maybe without me, they wouldn't always be fighting? Ashton is always mad, and usually at me when the situation arises. Michael never gets upset. I've only seen him mad once, and it was with Ash.

Maybe I am the reason they get so upset...

"Are you okay?"

I stop abruptly, my Converse bottoms scraping the concrete sidewalk. I look up -noticing that I have no idea where I wandered to- to find a tall boy standing in front of me. 

I don't answer though, as I take time trying to assess the boy in front of me. As I said, he's tall, but other than that he has black hair pushed sideways, and bright brown eyes. His skin is tanned, barely peaking through the two shirts he wears above his tight black jeans.

I realize I still haven't said anything and open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out.

People don't usually talk to me.

How do I do this?

"Uh, uh," I stutter, my mouth repeatedly doing a terrible job at working.

"I'm Calum," he smiles warmly, easing my nerves a small bit. "Are you lost?"

"I- I guess so...", I answer sheepishly. "My friends started fighting and I stormed out, and I guess when I was lost in my thoughts about it, I didn't notice where I was going..."

"Wait, are you from the Highland Homes area?", he asks, his hands tucking themselves further into their pockets. "Never mind, that would mean you were coming from that way."

Calum nods his head to the side, but I know I came from... Behind me?

"I'm from Fireside Mount," I mumble quietly. "But I can go to Cherry Hollow, since I'm pretty sure it's on this side."

"If you're from Fireside Mount, then I'm pretty sure they'll miss you faster," Calum chuckles. My cheeks redden.

"People don't miss me," I shrug. "Thanks, but I haven't turned at all in however-long-I've-been-wandering so I'm pretty sure if I just turn around, I'll get back to my house."

"Could I at least walk with you?", Calum questions. "I'd hate to send you off knowing you might get lost again. Or hurt. This isn't the best part of town."

He's not wrong. I do a once-over of the area around me and notice the gang sign painted on the corner Calum stands on. 

"I guess," I reply, biting my lip. I don't know this guy, and if he's from this side of town, maybe he just wants to hurt me. What if he's one of those gang members? What if- "Be forewarned, I don't talk much."

"Be forewarned, I enjoy silence."

So in silence we walk, only the occasional car driving by making any noise. I find myself peeking through the sides of my eyes to look at this boy who I know nothing about. 

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