Part 4

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Sorry guys for the delay I've been really busy but hopefully I'll be able to get back on track.😁

Yn's POV

I slowly woke up feeling a cool breeze come through the window. I tug my blanket tighter over me, we at least I thought it was mine. I felt resistance against the sheet and popped my eyes open. I felt pain between my legs. I looked around the unfamiliar room, my head pounding excruciatingly, the room was tidy and had a weird black and white color scheme. I tried to lift my upper body up, only to be pulled back down into the bed. I saw the arms wrapped around my waist. With tattoos. Oddly they looked familiar. I need to get out of here, I thought to myself. I traced my eyes up the arms getting confused as I noticed one familiar tat after the other. That's when I hit the face of my host. His blonde hair covering his forehead and soft snores coming from his pink lips. Fuck.

I wrestle  in his arms trying to lessen his grip. The snores stop. I hold my breath for a moment. It feels like hours past. He rolls over and continues to sleep. I release a sigh of relief. His arms being open gives me the opportunity to get out of that bed and leave this place before I screw up again.

I place my foot on the ground. I put weight on it and repeat with the other carefully making sure not to make any noise. That's when I realized that I was standing in the middle of Jason McCann's room naked. Why am I surprised. Did I really think he would bring me here without getting any.

I take another step and that's when I knew that I wasn't leaving soon. Pain shot between my legs and I fell to the ground with a loud thud. Jason shot up. He looked straight at me. Everything was silent for a moment. Then he laughed. He got his ass up and ran to me. He picked me up and placed me on the bed, covering me in a sheet.

"How about this, you relax here and I'll make breakfast?"

I didn't want to argue and I couldn't really walk. Plus I was starving. "Sure."

He got up and walked over to his dresser. He opens it pulling out a shirt and tossing it at me. I catch it pulling over my body. It hung on me almost like a dress. I looked on the bedside table to see a phone. I hit the home button to look at the time. 10:30.

At least it's the weekend. But I bet that the whole school will know about this by the time Monday comes. I look around some more to find a remote. I turn on the TV looking through the channels. This is going to be a long Sunday.

Sorry if this sucks I was writing this on my way to Orlando. 😕

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