Fathers Day

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WOW!!! You guys really didn't have long to wait before ideas came to me for One Shots.

I will work on the cover and title so bare with me. :)

This was inspired by the picture above. Sorry it's so late. Hope you all enjoy the first chapter.

The kids were sitting in their area talking quietly. Raf was putting something together while Miko was drawing. Jack was reading a book as the other two talked excitedly. Bumblebee walked up the stairs with his hands in his pockets. He stopped a few feet away from the kids and cocked his head to the side. He quietly walked over and looked at what Miko was drawing. He cocked his head again and gave her a questioning look as Smokescreen came up next to him.

"What are you doing?" The speedster asked as he stood by Bee. The kids looked up and Miko smiled.

"We're making Fathers Day cards." She said happily. The two young men looked at each other with confusion.

"A what now?" Smokescreen asked. All three of the kids stared at them like they were crazy.

"You know.... a dad..." Miko said they stared at her blankly. "...a father?" Still no reaction.

"I don't think that's helping." Jack said as he smiled at the puzzled looks on the men's faces.

"Bascily it's someone you look up to and greatly respect or appreciate." Raf said. "Someone that always looks out for you or makes sure your not getting into trouble." He said as he drew.

Smokescreen and Bumblebee looked over at Optimus who was talking to Rachet at the computer. They looked back at each other and grinned. The two young men plopped on the floor and got to work. Arcee walked over a few minutes later.

"What are you two doing?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"We're making something for Optimus." Smokescreen whispered. "For Father's Day." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

"When are you two going to grow up? That's just a waste of time." She muttered as she left.

"Optimus said embrace the humans traditions!" Smokescreen called after her. The two young men looked at each other and shrugged.

A little later they were done and wondered how to give it. They watched as the Prime walked out of the main room and disappeared. They looked at each other and grinned. The two young men ran down the stairs and followed the Autobot leader. They found him in one of the rooms sitting at a table as he read something. They stood at the doorway and nudged the other to go first. They kept nudging each other until they finally stood there and glared the other down.

"Is something wrong?" They jumped and saw the Prime looking at them. He raised an eyebrow and they approached nervously.

"No.....uh we just wanted......um.... to give these to you." Smokescreen said nervously as he handed him a sealed envelope.

The Prime gave him a confused look and Bumblebee handed him one as well. They stood there awkwardly as Optimus stared at them for a moment. Then they smiled nervously and walked out.

The Prime waited until they were gone and he read the writing on the envelopes. They both said 'Happy Father's Day' and had his name on it. He furrowed his brow and opened them. It wasn't a fancy card or anything, just two hand written letters of how much he meant to them. A small smile crept up the Primes face as he read.

Another sealed envelope appeared on the table as he read. He looked up to see Arcee standing by him. She smiled slightly and quietly walked out of the room. He smiled again and continued reading the letters.

Rachet was grumbling to himself as he worked on the computer. He was in a particularly bad mood and was ready to throw a wrench at the next person that interrupted him. He sensed someone stop next to him and he glanced at the person in annoyance, before looking back at the screen.

"What do you want Bumblebee?" He snapped still feeling irritated.

The young man pulled something out of his pocket and set it next to the doctor on the console. He then quietly walked away. Rachet stared at the wrinkled envelope in annoyance and was tempted to rip it up. But he knew that would probably hurt the young mans feeling. He picked it up and read the writing on top. The envelope simply said his name and nothing else. He grumbled and set it back down as he tried to ignore it.

After a few minutes, he found himself holding it again. The doctor looked around and carefully opened the envelope. He read the letter inside and stared at it blankly. Rachet looked up at the scout who was playing video games with the kids. He read the letter again and smiled slightly.

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