What just happened?

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Literally takes place right after the Autobots wake up in the first chapter of the Incident.


A light breeze blew through the open window. The sun lit up the room as birds sang outside. The town was peaceful considering a storm that took place the night before. A young boy yawned and made his way down to the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes and checked the time. School would be starting soon.

"Hey Dad." He said as he entered the room. His father looked up and smiled.

"Good morning Cody." He replied. "Ready for school?" The boy nodded slowly. His older brothers wandered around the kitchen.

"Morning." His sister said as she ruffled his hair. He opened the door to go into the next room.

"DANI!!!" The young woman looked up eyes wide.

"That sounded like Blades." She said slightly worried. They heard another yell of surprise.


"That was definitely Heatwave." Chief Burns said as he jumped up and ran into the next room.

The others followed close behind. They stopped and stared when they entered the room, eyes wide. Three men stood in the middle of the room staring in surprise at themselves. A fourth man sat on the floor as he hugged himself. They were all in different uniforms. The room was quiet as they all stared at each other in shock.

"Why am I so small?" The young man sitting on the floor whispered softly.

"Blades?" Dani asked as she walked over to him. The young man nodded vigorously. She knelt down and hesitantly touched his hair.

"Wow...." Cody muttered as he walked over to the others.

"I'm afraid I can't explain this, Chief Burns." Chase said as he pinched the skin on his arm.

"I'm guessing this isn't one of your tricks by the look on your face." Heatwave growled as he looked at Kade. The young man shook his head slowly as he stared.

"Just think of all the amazing things I can do now." Boulder said excitedly.

"Hold on." Chief Burns said as he held up his hands. "We don't know what happened or how. So don't do anything quite yet." He said.

"We should call Dr Greene." Graham said as he pulled out a phone.

"Good idea." The Chief said. "Everyone.....just......just stay put until we get this figured out." He muttered.

"What if there's an emergency?" Heatwave asked.

"Psssht.... we'll take care of that." Kade smirked earning a glare from the other man.

"Don't worry about that right now." Chief Burns said. "We need to figure out what happened to you." He looked at each of them and furrowed his brow. What had happened?


"Fascinating...." Dr Greene muttered as he looked at the results.

The four men sat in the middle of the floor as they waited. The Burns family stood on the other side of the room as they watched the scientist. The exception being Cody who had to go to school. Dani glanced at Blades who was hugging his knees and looking around nervously.

"Do you think this can be reversed?" She asked her father. He looked at her then over at the bots.

"I'm not sure..." he muttered. "But we have to help them adjust whether it's permanent or not." He said. The scientist sighed and looked between the two groups.

"I honestly have no idea how this happened or what caused it." He admitted before looking over the results again. Heatwave looked at his team and then walked to the others.

"I need to contact Optimus. Maybe he can help us figure this out." He said as he glanced back at his team. The chief nodded slowly.

"Let's hope so." He said and the two leaders walked out of the room. The others walked over to the three men.

"Graham, do you think you can show me somethings? Now that I'm smaller I need to learn how to help differently." Boulder said. The other man smiled and agreed. They walked to a different part of the room.

"I'll also need to figure out how to be of better assistance to the people of Griffin Rock." Chase muttered as he looked around.

"Don't look at me." Kade said as he held his hands up and walked away. Chase shrugged and walked to the library.

"Everything is so much..... bigger." Blades mumbled as he looked at how high the ceiling was now. Dani knelt next to him and he looked at her.

"Don't worry Blades, we'll figure this out." She said as she set a hand on his shoulder. He smiled sadly and buried his head.


Heatwave signaled Optimus Prime's base for the fourth time. He waited for it to go through.

"Come on." He mumbled.

"Do you think something happened?" Burns asked hesitantly. The fireman looked at him for a moment and was about to answer when the computer beeped.

"Heatwave, I apologize for the delay. We have had some....technical difficulties on our end." Optimus said as the visual finally came on. There was a pause as the two men looked at each other.

"It appears you're having the same problem." The leader muttered.

"Optimus, what happened?" Heatwave asked as he looked between the chief and Autobot leader.

"Unfortunately, we are not positive on how this incident has occurred." The Prime said. Chief Burns nodded slowly as he thought.

"So basically we need to hang tight until further notice." Heatwave muttered as he looked at the Chief. The Autobot leader nodded once.

"I will keep you informed Heatwave. For the time being, Chief Burns can help you adjust, as our human comrades have helped us." Optimus said. The fireman nodded in agreement and signed off. He looked at the floor for a moment then at the Chief.

"Where do we start?" He muttered. The older man smiled and set a hand on the others shoulder.

"Let's start by telling the others." Burns said. Heatwave smirked slightly in response. This was going to be a long wait.

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