The Bucket List

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One life, to give your life all you have because you never know when you might live your last day.

One girl, unique and special, is fighting for her life, to live her life to the full.

One illness, this one girl as well as many others has to fight with everything they have.

One last summer, is all this brave one girl has to live maximum.

One month and 3 weeks a.k.a. 7 weeks.

One girl, against the world with no one to help her through her last summer, no family and no friends.


At the young age of 16, Kenzie is fighting for her life against a rare form of cancer called Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The disease started showing symptoms 3 years ago, leaving Kenzie to live her life best she can. A cure is not the answer; she just has to put a good damn fight for her life.

 When Kenzie goes to the hospital for her check-up, 3 years later, the doctors come across something they wish they hadn’t.



Kenzie’s check-up

The hospital doors open bringing in Kenzie and her parents. At the sound of feet approaching the receptionists head snaps up.

“Kenzie Williams here for her check-up,” Kenzie says to the young blonde receptionist who’s name tag reads, Sarah.

A few clicks can be heard as she searches for her in the database. “Yep, if you’d like to go to the usual room, the doctor will be right there!”

Once in the room they were told to wait in, they sat in their normal seats. Shortly after Dr. Jones comes in with the same old same old equipment for Kenzie’s check-up.  After the doc had gone through the routine, he popped off for a minute to go run through the results, make sure if anything’s changed.

Several minutes past and Dr. Jones is still not back. Strange Kenzie’s parents thought, as they know he’s normally back by now. Her parents suspect something’s changed but not sure if it’s for the best or not. Kenzie was oblivious to her parents thoughts, lost in her own world in which she escapes to when she needs time to think.

After 10 more minutes, the doctor finally comes back with a blank face. Glancing at Kenzie his face turns to one of pity, to change to a grim expression.

“What is it Dr. Jones?” Kenzie’s dad, Peter, asks, curious as to what has caused the appearance on the doctor’s face.

“I’m so so very sorry,” Dr. Jones looks as if he wishes he wasn’t the bearer of the news. This only means one thing, and it doesn’t sound the good sort of thing! Peter thought.

“Go on doc what’s the matter? Why are you sorry?” Kenzie’s dad pushes.

“There is no easy way to put this, but-” Dr. Jones breaks off taking a deep breath before telling the three the bad news, “I’m sorry but we found something we knew was only a matter of time to find. She’s dying and we can’t stop it,” At this Linda, Kenzie’s mum breaks off into tears, “Kenzie has 7 weeks to live. I’m so sorry, I’ll leave you alone, but you’re free to leave whenever you’re ready. I’m sorry kiddo!” Dr. Jones pointed the last bit towards Kenzie.

Kenzie world came crashing around her shoulders at the sound of the doctor. I’m dying... 7 weeks to live; I will make sure I live them to the max! Kenzie thought sadly to herself.

Later that night it had only just sunk into Kenzie’s head she had 7 weeks to live. Last week of school plus all of the holidays. At least she would be able to finish her school year with no one noticing her gone, at least if she’s not there when they go back they will think Kenzie just moved schools not that she will be either at deaths door if not dead.

That night Kenzie cried herself to sleep listening to both her and her parent’s soft cries.

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