Chapter 4 - Potter World

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Chapter 4 – Potter World

Daniel’s POV...

Charging up the stairs up the stairs of the Williams house, I headed straight to the wooden door to Kenzie’s room, where she peacefully slept in her bed with a cute expression upon her face. Not for long I thought adding an evil laugh at the end.

“WAKEY, WAKEY, EGGS AND BACY!” I shouted at the top of my lungs, running over to her bed. Taking a leap in the air I landed smack bang on top of her. The moment  I had pounced on her, her eyes shot open wide, before calming down once the realisation hit her.

“Danny, get your fat ass off of me, before I do something that’ll make you regret ever crossing me!” Kenzie threatened me.

I gave her the ‘yo bein’ serious’ face, “That meant to scare me! Ooh look at me I’m so scared,” I taunted.

Kenzie slit her eyes letting a slight hiss slither through her gritted teeth. Oh she bein’ serious.

“Well get your butt out of bed get ready and get in the car when you’re done, got it?”

If looks could kill, I’d be buried down in hell by now. “Why?”

“Sorry Kenz, no can do since it is a surprise. But I can tell you you’ll like it and if you don’t get in the car, I’ll drag you down myself.”

“Noted!” Rolling her eyes at me again the cheeky girl.

Kenzie’s POV...

I made my way down to the car, suspicious as to what was happening. For starters, Daniel woke me up and then basically oredered me to get ready and meet him in the car, in a nice way of course.

I got to the front door grabbed my keys as mum and dad were both already at work. Bit early, isn’t it? Oh well maybe they both decided to do some extra work while they’ve been spending the past few days with me. Nothing to ponder on.

“Hurry up, or we’ll be late,” Daniel hollered from his awaiting car.

So hurrying up I let the day unfold...


“THAT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER! THANK YOU SO MUCH DANNY!” I squealed, jumping up and down from the excitement of the day.

“Well your welcome, babe! I’m glad you enjoyed your day, I told you you would,” Dan finished winking at me.

Flinging myself at him, I lowered my voice a bit, only a bit though, “Yes, yes you did.”

“All right calm down or I’ll be deaf, and then I won’t ever do something like this for you again.”

“Okay, sorry,” I whispered in his ear.

“I’ll see you tomorrow babe,” Daniel kissed my cheek, walked back to his car and waited for me to go in before he drove off.

Daniel’s POV...

Looking back on the day brought a smile to my face.

Number 4, she wanted to go to Pottor World.

When we went round that magnificent castle her little face was beaming. Clinging to my arm, dragging me everywhere, most boys my age would have found it annoying and truth be told with anyone else it would have been for me. Except I couldn’t keep the grin off my face all day. It dimmed a bit when I left her but it was still there as I kept thinking of her.

Everything about her just made me smile, I couldn’t help it.

That castle though, sheesh it was awe-inspiring, honestly. Towering arched ceilings, stone walls yet the warmth was still pacted into the room.  Footsteps echoed down the corridors when we had sprinted through. The windows were massive, cool to the touch, but the view was amazing.

We’d taken lots of pictures of the castle, inside and out, as well as some goofy pictures of us. Overall the day had been one of the best days ever.

Kenzie’s POV...

I loved today it was great. However when I got home mum and dad weren’t home. Now I’m in my bed trying to not think what it may or may not mean. A car stopped outside. Walking to the window I glanced out. Mum and dad; were they trying to avoid me?

Sorry it's short and not very good I've been busy so yeah... Thank you to those who are reading (as few as there are).



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