Chapter 5 - Getting Settled In

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Chapter 5 – Getting Settled In

Kenzie’s POV...

“Hey you,” I was stood in front of Daniel outside my house at his car, just in case you wondered *mental winky face*, “are we all set?”

Walking into his warm inviting arms for a hug he replied, “Just got to get in the car and we can go.”

“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” I ran the rest of the way to the car, opened the door at lightning speed to then fly into the passenger seat... All because I’m secretly a ninja; don’t say anything!

Following me, but going to the drivers side, since I was in the passenger seat, he chuckled as he started up the car. Since he was obviosly driving his own car... I should ask him to let me drive sometime!

“Excited much...” Daniel laughed.

My cheeks now held a light pink colour... I was BLUSHING! Gosh, what is up with me? I turned my head so that I was now looking out of the window when I spoke. “Sorry, its just I’ve wanted to do this for so long and now I’m finally getting my chance to is all.”

“Don’t be embarrased, I think you are incredible for doing this! And the best bit; I get to do it with you. I couldn’t thank you more for letting me do these amazing things with you because without you I don’t think I’d have ever really even understood the meaning of life to be honest!”

Well, that did it for me. My vision began to go blurry but I kept the tears at bay.

“No one has ever told me something so sweet like that before. Also I think it should be the one saying thank you because without you none of this would have happened. I’m so grateful for it. But enough of the sappy stuff, let’s get there already!” If I carried on I think I would have cried, most definitely.

“Okay Miss bossy boots,” Daniel laughed.

With that I turned towards the window, taking in the beauty of the nature for the rest of the journey. Oh yeah, you’ll have to wait and see to where we’re heading. It’s going to be great!


“Kenzie, wake up were here,” somebody said whilst shaking me by the shoulders gently.

Groaning I pusshed the hands off me, “5 more minutes.”

“No time for sleeping, we need to go.” I recognised that voice... It was Daniel.


I had to squint as soon as I opened my eyes. The light was so bright. As soon as my eyes were adjusted I got Daniel to pull me up, feeling to lazy to get up on my own. I looked around suddenly realising where we were. Squealing with pleasure along with a mini jump and clap, I spun around grabbing Daniel by the hand before running of the plane.

Yes you heard me right I said plane. WE’RE IN AUSTRALIA!! I’m so excited, it’s going to be amazing...

Danny, being amazing managed to book us 2 weeks in the lovely sunny Australia!! And on short notice to, I was ecstatic. However due to the short notice he was only able to get 2 plane tickets so rather than deciding one parent over the other I chose Dan to thank him in a way I guess.

Ever since my secret came out at school, he’s been nothing but sweet to me. He really was being truthful when he said he’d make it up to me and earn my trust.

Daniel’s POV...

Seeing her so happy under such circumstances made my whole world light up. I was in high spirits with every second I spent with this girl. Truly, she is amazing and I am a lucky guy to get to spend this time with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2014 ⏰

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