@pierlerouge - Five Element Brotherhood

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(Ground Floor)

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(Ground Floor)

"Morning, How are you?"

"Yer, Good thanks. What's that? Manuscript?"


"What's it about?"

"Ah! Story I have written about a Vietnamese woman and an Aussie bloke, who meet through a business deal. He owns a yacht and sails around the Solomon Islands a lot. After they get to know each other over a couple of weekends away, they set out on a trip to the Islands."

"The story centres on an ancient Chinese brotherhood and a Dutch East Indies ship that was lost in the 1600's. There is a Chinese armature archaeologist living on the in the islands, who reckons he knows where the ship was lost and wants to investigate the site." 

(First Floor)

"When the two main characters meet up with the Chinese guy, he persuades him to join the team.Well, one thing leads to another and they get mixed up with a bunch of Chinese Triads, get abducted, abandoned on a volcanic island, harassed and generally run into more trouble than Flash Gordon ever did."

"Sounds interesting. Got a copy? I work for a publisher and wouldn't mind reading it."

"Oh yes, have this copy."

"Sure? Thanks. Be talking to you."

(Third Floor)

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