@maybeiwas2shy - The Queen of Cats

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Hello sir/ma'am.

That's a lovely tie.

Well, since we're stuck in the elevator together for a while, do you want to her a story? It's a story about strange cats voyaging through time. About rock bands plagued by ghosts. About old men and their tales of vampires. About college kids and hidden caves. About love and loss and heartbreak and motherhood and women and abuse and the human condition.

It's also about drugs. Yep, it's one of those books that are definitely a mind-trip, no acid required.

You'll follow our protagonist as she tries to break out of the prison of her own mind and come to grips with her dark legacy. If you're into wholesale rejections of Occam's Razor, I think you'll find The Queen of Cats a breath of fresh air. It's different, I know, but at its heart is a tale as old as the hills and as poignant as it ever was. The responsibility of being a daughter and the burden of being a mother.

Give it a look, if you like what I just told you. Well, this is my stop.

See Ya!

See Ya!

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