"Free Falling" is a romance revolving around the adventures and misadventures of Brian Anderson, a thirty-year old architect from London, who has convinced himself he will never, ever fall in love again. Instead, he prefers to lead a life free of the inevitable dose of disappointment that comes as part of the relationship package...
Wanting no more than casual flings and random hook-ups, his plan was fairly simple: no strings, no promises, no regrets.
Trouble is, life ignores his plans.
When Olivia, his girlfriend from ten years ago, storms back into his life, his steady world crumbles and his life is turned upside down.
Filled with witty lines and drizzled with sexy moments, all balanced with some more serious passages mirroring real life challenges, the story is told from Brian's perspective giving readers a first hand experience of what goes on in this guy's mind as he struggles to win back the woman he loves.
But love comes at a price... .
Wattys2016 - Elevator Pitches - Featuring two winners of the Wattys 2015
RandomThe so-called 'Elevator Pitch' is a classic marketing technique: Imagine you are sharing an elevator with an editor from a famous publishing house. You have three floors to 'sell your story' ... . This book features the pitches of a number of great...