Reasons for Deaths

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Again, not a lot but it's something...

-Eagle, hawk, or other bird takes away

-Fox, dog, badger, snake, etc


-Greencough (kits or elders)

-Stolen for anther Clan/Tribe and killed

-Drowns or was drown

-Another cat is out for revenge on that cat and he dies

-Vice-versa ^

-Watches a cat chase prey onto Thunderpath, dives in and saves him, dying by a monster

-Rat poison

-Eats medicine herbs that are highly poisonous (watermint, death berries, etc)

-Starved in leaf-bare

-Ate poisoned crow-food

-Crushed by a tree

-In a fire: either burnt to death or breathed in too much smoke and choked to death

-Fell from a cliff or steep hill and hit skull on the ground

-Murdered: slash to the throat, killing bite to the neck, etc

-Froze to death (kit ran away or something)

-Large snake strangles the cat

-Pushed/slipped off a cliff

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