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Name Types: Examples

Water Names:
Wave, Ocean, Splash, Droplet, Pike, Stream, River, Shell, Lake, Shine, Sparkle, Shinmer, Ripple, Otter, Trout, Pool, Lily.

Woodland Names:
Timber, Cedar, Mud, Tangle, Bramble, Thorn, Leaf, Berry, Blossom, Flower, Swift, Stone, Poppy, Sage, Reed, Heather, Bracken, Willow, Holly, Furze, Grass, Pebble, Pine, Moss, Mint, Stick, Coal, Briar, Maple, Beech, Oak, Gorse, Honey, Fern, Lichen, Rock, Cherry, Daisy, Alder.

Creature Names:
Fox, Hawk, Eagle, Lizard, Owl, Bird, Goose, Adder, Snake, Robin, Thrush, Sparrow, Swallow, Leopard, Lion, Tiger, Crow, Vole, Beetle, Shrew, Raven, Spider, Horse, Buzzard, Fawn, Deer, Bumble, Bee, Wasp, Egg, Clover, Starling, Wolf, Hound.

Weather Names:
Sun, Rain, Breeze, Wind, Cloud, Dark, Storm, Hail, Sky, Bright, Ice, Snow, Mist/Misty, Dawn, Dusk, Frost, Shade.

Body Names: [Mostly for last part of names, ex: Mousefang]
Tooth, Pelt, Fur, Paw, Claw, Eye, Tail, Soft, Whisker, Fang, Ear, Fuzzy, Ragged, Heart, Soul, Foot, Mask, Tall, Short, Small, Face, Stumpy (Stumpytail, foot).

Pelt Designs/Colors:
Blue, White, Red, Black, Gray, Speckle, Dapple, Stripe, Spot(s), Tawny, Patch, Orange Brindle, Freckle, Mottle, Ebony, Tangle.

Water, Fire/Flame, Earth, Air, Dark/Shadow, Spirit.

Moon, Broken, Kink, Talon, Spark, Rubble, Sand, Gorge, Flight (always used for last part of name), Fallow, Wish (usually last part of name), Sage, Bounce, Echo, Sharp, Wild.

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