Plot Ideas

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The story starts out in a morning through an apprentice's point of view. It's the day of the Gathering. This is the apprentice's third Gathering, but it's still exciting to them. They fidget while they're training and hunting all day. Finally the Gathering comes. The warriors go to the Gathering place, and it begins. Then, right as a leader is announcing a new warrior, a loud yowl is heard. The cats hurry over to the source of the noise and see a dead, bloody warrior laying on the ground. The murderer is nowhere in sight. From here, it's one giant mystery the apprentice solves. It can just be a mystery, or you can add the twist that there a cat that is falsely accused.

For some drama, have another Clan steal one of the kits. The reason is up to you, but ideas could be that another Clan had an argument with [Name of leader] and [Name of leader]'s Clan, so they want revenge; or it could be simply because that other Clan is in need of kits or something. They could do it so sneakily that no cat knows what happened and simply think that a fox or a hawk got the kit. Then when the remaining kit becomes a warrior, he/she could meet his/her littermate at a Gathering, and somehow they work out that they are littermates (maybe they look alike, or their personality is similar, or they think each other is familiar, you decide).

My main cat Hawk, a loner, basically became possessed, turning his fur black and having red eyes. He went and passed this along to other cats, and they all became blood-thirsty and such, forgetting who they were. (I know there was a deeper reason because right now, they seem like vampires but wuteva). And then at the very end, Hawk saw his past love, a house cat who had joined a clan, and he began to remember all about his past life and he turned back to normal. And then everyone else turned back.
There was probably a prophecy somewhere too - I made this up a while ago and I fuckin can't remember it xD sorry
Lemme just make one up: Darkness will change the ones around you but will go back as he sees his love? idk xD

The Clan breaks out in a savage illness, one without a known cure. Lots of cats die.
There is a prophecy that foretells four cats who will rise to rid the Clan of illness and save everyone.
So they travel to the place StarClan told them to in the prophecy, following clues, and finally find the cure, and bring it back to save everyone.
The prophecy you could use:

"The Silver Circle, ruler of the night, shining with glory and light.
Approach its might and be given the cure, to make all cats pure.
It resides where light hides, under the cloak of black and white."

"The Silver Circle" is the moon. Approach the moon and be given the cure to kill the illness.
"It resides where light hides", refering to night, where the sun hides.
"Under the cloak of black and white", refering to when the sky is dark at night, but the moon and stars light it still.
I named the illness, "The Dark Flame."

Another prophecy foretells of an unknown, dangerous thing rising and killing a bunch of cats.
Three apprentices/warriors receive the prophecy. They sneak and snoop around and learn what the prophey means, and what the creature is. And they learn that there is only one night it can be destroyed- on the full lunar eclipse of the moon, that only happens every thousand years.

The creature can be some sort of dark, evil wolf-like form that rises, and escapes from the Dark Forest/The Place of No Stars. The souls of the cats it kills are asorbed within it and after the thing kills fifty cats, fifty souls, it returns to the Dark Forest, trapping them with it and using them for something evil.

Quick plots:
•Two leaders fall in love
•Two Clans are in war and won't stop until the other stops
•A Clan has water shortage and no one will help them out, so they sneak into another Clans territory and steal prey and water
•A large group of rogues come and make themselves home to the territories, causing trouble, and refuse to move without a fight

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