Powers Sent From StarClan

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Let's say your main character gets granted a power or two from StarClan or whoever your Clan/Tribe's Heaven is.

1) Cannot die in battle

2) Lion roar

3) Levataion

4) Can see and hear in places that no one else can see or hear in (unless they're there)

5) Able to heal others with a touch of their paw in the area they're in pain

6) Able to smell prey unseen and unheard

7) Can't die from starvation

8) Faster then a hawk diving for its prey

9) Mind reading

10) Bring back the dead

11) Go into others dreams

12) See the future/go into the future/past

13) Talk to dogs, badgers, humans, etc.

14) Able to jump farther then a rabbit

15) As fast as lightening

16) Invisiblity

17) Shape shift into anything (real/not real)

Reasons to be Given the Powers (in order of list of powers):
1) Need to be alive to fight in a battle that must be fought and won

2) Large dogs will come into their territories and they need to scare them off our the Clan/Tribe's will die

3) When a rock slide falls into camp, your main character is given the power or levitation to fix it

4) To keep watch if Twolegs are coming, for the prophecy says they'll be destroying the territories

5) When a battle comes and cats are dying, your main character needs to use his/her power of healing

6) Through the harsh leafbare, prey goes scarce and your main character is left to hunt for the Clan/Tribe to save them from starvation

7) When leafbare comes with snow and the cold, prey runs under ground and your cat must try to save them by staying alive and getting prey from elsewhere

8) Dogs come to the territory and to save the Clan/Tribe, your main character have to get them to chase you and with that amount of speed, he/she can out run them

9) When StarClan warns your main character about an evil cat, your main character must find out what everyone's thinking in order to help

10) When a prophecy is miss taken, the only cat who could save the Clan/Tribe is killed and your main character must bring him/her back from the dead by using preaches and medicine and the moonpool

11) This one just for fun XD

12) Unsure of a prophecy, your main character looks to the future to see what happens and when StarClan finds out he/she's doing it, they make a fake future and then all goes wrong

13) Having to travel away for a new home or in search of something, your main character has to be able to talk to other animals to figure out where they're going

14) Have to get across a river or gorge or cliff to cliff to get somewhere

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