Chapter 2

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On the way to school, we talked about up and coming summer plans. All three of us were eager to get our licenses “I start my new summer job after school,” Greg mentioned and my eyes darted to him.

“Job?” I asked “You never mentioned getting a summer job.”

“I wanted it to be a surprise,” Greg replied “I get paid and then take you out on a real date for once,” Greg’s hold on my hand tightened “Once Andre gets his license today, he can be our driver.”

“What makes you think I’m gonna drive you?”

“I’ll pay you,” Greg said rolling his eyes at his best friend.

From the corner of my eyes I could see Donna’s bright flashy shoes but frowned when I saw who approached her “Uh oh,”

“What?” Greg asked following my gaze and he winced.

“Hey, where’d you get those shoes?” Duffy, our residential bully, taunted “Losers R’ Us?”

“God I hate that guys,” I muttered as Donna looked up at him.

“I made them,” she replied.

“You made them? In a toilet.” Duffy laughed which he seemed like the only one considering it wasn’t funny at all.

Charlotte glared “Get lost Duffy,”

“Yeah leave her alone,” I smiled at Keithie for standing up to him but gripped Greg’s hand tightly when Duffy grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

“Hey, what’d you say Hollywood? Got something to say to me?” Duffy threatened and Keithie kept chanting “Nothing,” over and over again.

The intercom went on and Mr. Feder’s voice rang through the bus “Attention K-Mart shoppers, uh, let’s find a seat please. Yes you in the camouflage jacket and the Mariah Carey hair do. Yeah pop a squat. Thank you.”

Duffy kept messing with Keithie and the intercom went back on “Bean bag with arms and legs, seriously, take a seat or seats before someone gets hurt,” everyone laughed including Greg and I.

We finally arrived at school and said goodbye to Mr. Feder and Mr. McKenzie before entering the hallway “I have to pick some books up from my locker. I’ll meet you in home room.” Greg nodded and kissed me before heading to his own locker. Most of my books and notebooks were already out of my locker, I just had a couple of things to clear out. And since today was only a half day, this was my only chance to do so.

Soon after homeroom, the rest of the school day flew before we reached History class. Andre was in the last seat near the window and Greg was sitting in front of him. I sat across from Greg and Peter, the classes smartest geek, sat behind me. He was weird for always leaning forward and smelling my hair.

“Alright little birds, find your nests, man.” Our teacher said “Slow down, there we go, now we’re in. Alright, guys, normally we don’t have exciting news this late into the term but we have a new student joining us, Braden Higgins.”

I tuned everything out when he said my cousin’s name. That’s him? Dude, he’s freaking huge!

The teacher told him to sit in the empty desk over by the door but Braden saw me and walked over to us. He stopped right behind me and just looked down at Peter who was scared so bad that he gave him his wallet “No,” Braden said “I sit here.”

Oh good lord…

Peter rushed out of his seat as I turned around and Greg whispered “Is your dad Marcus Higgins?”

“Yeah, I’ve known him since I was a baby. He’s the funniest.”

“The best. Great, great man.” Greg replied.

“To you maybe,” I whispered back “but there is only so much crude humor a person can take.” I looked over to Braden “Marcus Higgins in my Uncle…unfortunately.” I whispered the last part and Braden looked over at Andre and Greg.

“I wanna smash his face,”

“Yeah me too,” Andre coward back in his chair afraid of Braden.

“Yeah,” Greg put in “Hate that guy.”

“Screw him,” Andre said before both boys turned in their seats.

“What am I going to do with you too…honestly.”

The rest of the period was in silence as our Principal started blabbering on and on about reaching the end of the school year. I ended up tuning everything out as I talked to one of my class mates but turned my head to see Greg smiling over at me. I smiled back, waved and gave him a wink in return. Andre then nudged him and said something that I couldn’t quite make out.

The bell rang and the school came alive. Students were screaming and cheering in the hallway and Greg came over and kissed me.

“What was that for?”

“Celebratory end of school kiss,” I smiled as Greg wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we walked out of the classroom with Andre.

Once we were out of the school, I motioned towards Braden who was watching the cars pass by him. We walked over to him “Hey Braden,” I smiled but he just stared at me. What is with this guy?

“Your dad picking you up?”

“Uh I don’t know,” Braden said “I told him it would be cool if he stayed late at the soup kitchen so it’s all me.”

“Well you could come on the bus with us if you want,” Andre said.

I nudged Greg “I’m actually getting a ride from my mom.” I kissed his cheek before hugging Andre and the waving at Braden “See you guys later!”

I walked down the sidewalk until I saw a familiar black car stop in front of me “Freedom at last sweetheart. How does it feel?” Mom said as I got into the car.


There was a slight pause before mom spoke up again “So who was the boy standing with Greg and Andre?”

“Uncle Marcus’ son Braden,” I replied “Apparently Braden hates Uncle Marcus so much that he wants to bash his face in.” I shuttered “He’s a weird guy.”

AN: So? What’d you think so far? Is it worth updating? Reviews and comments are much appreciated! Please and thank you!

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