Chapter 12

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AN: I am so sorry for leaving you all hanging. I should have had this posted sooner. I've been kind of busy as of lately.

A couple of days after, I spent most of my time with Sara. It was not just for Andre’s benefit but for mine as well. She was one of my good friends and I felt like I ignored her since school ended a week ago. We were spending the afternoon shopping downtown looking through vintage clothes and accessories laughing about the good old days before we had to deal with cliques and stupid teachers.

“So,” I spoke up after our laughter died down “you know Andre McKenzie, right?”

Sara stopped her movements and looked at me “Uh, yeah, I do.” She blushed.

“You’re blushing. Want to tell me what’s up?”

Again Sara blushed and went over to another rack of clothes. I followed her “I may or may not have a slight crush on him.” I heard her mutter and I smiled.

“Really,” I asked “Do you like him enough to, I don’t know, go on a date with him?”

Sara’s eyes went wide “Like just the two of us…alone? I don’t know Kaylee. I mean what if I mess the date up? What if he doesn’t feel the same way I do?”

I placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down and smiled softly at her “Well I was thinking more along the lines of a double date. That way if you feel like the date is going nowhere, we can end it quickly. So, what do you say?”

She paused to think it over before smiling “Okay,” she said “I’ll go on a date with him.”

“Cool. How about Saturday around eight?”

She nodded before continued shopping for vintage merchandise.

When we had finished our girl’s day, I texted Charlotte and Donna letting them know she said yes. Both were pretty excited and asked to be clued into what was going on, then after I called Greg who picked up after the second ring. With him, I never had to wait that long for him to pick up.


“Greg, it’s me.” I said walking downtown.

“Hey baby. How was your shopping date with Sara? Did she agree to go on a date with Andre?”

“Good, actually. She agreed to go on a date with him.”

I heard a crash and then someone groan and I laughed “What was that?”

“Oh,” Greg chuckled “That was Andre. He just slid into the coffee table.”

“Can I talk to him please?”

There was another moan before Andre said “Hey Kaylee. What’s up?”

“You can now say ‘Kaylee is so amazing,’ because I just got you a date with Sara Cooper. We’re going to double on Saturday.”

“This isn’t a prank, right? This is actually happening?”

“Yes Andre,” I giggled “This is actually happening.”

“Thank you so much Kaylee! You are now my best friend forever!” Andre yelled and from the background noise I could hear Greg complaining about him being his best friend “How can I thank you? Seriously, just name it.”

“Well you can start by giving me hug,” I told him “I’m heading over to Greg’s house. I expect you to come through.”

Before he could say anything, I hung up and walk a few more blocks to the Feder house where Becky was swinging on the porch swing. When she saw me, she smiled and ran off the porch “Kaylee!”

Becky tackled me in a hug and I ended up swinging her around in a huge circle “Becky!” The little laughed hugging me tightly “How’s my favorite Feder doing today?”

“I thought I was your favorite?” Greg’s voice carried from the front door and I put Becky back safely on the ground before walking on the porch and kissing my boyfriend softly.

“You’re a close second.”

I was soon pulled away my Andre who crushed me in bear hug “You are seriously amazing for doing this Kay!” Andre said swinging me in his arms.

“You’re welcome,” I told him “Now could you please release me? I’m losing air here.” I sighed when he let go “Okay before I say anything else, I need to remind you that Sara Cooper is one of my best friends and if you mess this date up and upset her, I won’t hesitate to kill you…got it?”

“Got it! No messing up.”

“Good,” I told him smoothing out my shirt “We’re going on a double date Saturday at eight. You two are responsible for planning it out. My job on finding Andre a girlfriend is over.”

Greg sighed “Why do we have to go with them,” I gave him a pointed glare and he put his hands up in surrender “Sorry.”

Andre, Greg and I ended up playing the game ‘Would You Rather?’ for a couple hours while snacking on popcorn. A couple times I managed to throw a handful of popcorn at the boys but ended up getting more thrown at me.

“You guys are getting popcorn kernels down my shirt and it’s starting to make a home in my bra. It’s very uncomfortable.” I told them shifting my shirt and bra. I stopped when I caught both boys staring at me “What are you guys looking at? Never seen a girl readjust her bra before?”

Andre cleared his throat before excusing himself to go to the bathroom and closing the door. Greg was still staring at me…well, more specifically, my chest. I smirked and shifted over to him and cornered him on the couch. His eyes shifted to my face “You like what you see?” I whispered before bending my head down and kissing his neck then his lips. Greg groaned and cupped my face in his hand and soon we were making out on the couch, the popcorn kernels soon forgotten.

“Seriously, do you two have to do this now while I’m here?”

Greg groaned and pulled away from my lips. I pouted at the loss of lip contact and shifted so I was still on his lap but in a position that was less compromising. Andre plopped down on the couch “You didn’t have to come in, you know?” Greg said wrapping his arm around my waist and settling his other hand on my knee.

Andre muttered something before turning up the stereo system Greg had in his room.  Anytime Greg and I kissed, we could hear Andre complain about too much PDA. It was getting very annoying.

“I can’t wait until Saturday,” Greg muttered.

I couldn’t have agreed more.

The First Day Of Summer (Sequel to The Lake House)Where stories live. Discover now