Chapter 9

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AN: I don’t own any of these lyrics.

It had been two days since that day and, as a result, brought Greg and I even closer together as a couple. Even though we had not seen each other in those days, we still had three hour conversations that involved everything and nothing in between. To tell you the truth, I had been on top of the world afterwards.

I was in my room with the radio on listening to Avril Lavigne’s new single, Rock N’ Roll, and singing along. My window to my room was open and the window was gently blowing the petals of the rose Greg had given me and my heart shamelessly fluttered. The cool night air was cooling me down from dancing like a buffoon.

When it's you and me
We don't need no one to tell us who to be
We'll keep turning up the radio
What if you and I
Just put up a middle finger to the sky
Let them know that we're still rock 'n roll

Suddenly a rock was thrown through my window and landed by my foot making a soft clunk as it landed. Curiously I looked down and picked it up. How did this get up here? All of a sudden, another rock was thrown onto my bed and I quickly ran to my window expecting someone to be pranking me. But when I looked down, all I saw was Greg smiling innocently underneath my window. Smiling, I turned down the radio and leaned out the window to get a better view.

“What are you doing here and why are you throwing rocks into my room?”

Greg laughed “The rocks were to get your attention since you wouldn’t answer your phone and I’m here to break you out.”

“Okay,” I laughed “Then why didn’t you just go to the front door?”

“I wanted to be romantic!”

Greg pouted and I turned the radio off “Don’t worry about it,” I said “I’ll be down in a second.”

Grabbing my jean jacket from my closet and throwing it on my strapless sundress and grabbing my phone and purse from my desk, I made my way downstairs and out the back door. Greg smiled and kissed me softly “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against my lips and I smiled. My heart continued to beat rapidly in my chest.

“It’s only been two days Greg,” I giggled.

“That’s too long,” he muttered wrapping his arms around my waist “I’ve missed my baby.”

I kissed Greg again before whispering against his lips “If it makes you feel better, I’ve missed my baby too. I love you.”

I swear Greg’s eyes literally twinkled as he looked down to me. Maybe it was the trick of the light “I love you too. So much it hurts me to be away from you.”

Greg’s hand slid from my waist down to my hand and linked our fingers together and pulled me up through our flower garden at the side of the house and out onto the sidewalk “So where exactly are we going?”

Greg pulled me closer “My dad told me that our town is very pretty at night.”

“Really,” I asked “For as long as I have lived here, I’ve never heard that before.”

“He and mom walk at night when they have date night,” Greg replied “sometimes they come upon interesting things.”

We left our neighborhood and started to approach our high school which was a fifteen minute walk from my house. If I thought school looked creepy even during the day, at night it’s ten times creepier. I shivered and buried myself deeper into Greg’s side avoiding looking over there.

“Baby what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I quickly replied and Greg narrowed his eyes.

“I call that bull crap,” he replied “Now tell me what’s really going on.”

I sighed and turned my head towards the dark building “Remember last summer when your dad told us that story about what happened at our high school?”

Greg smirked down at me. I guess he was remembering “Oh yeah,” he laughed “and you screamed bloody murder when Andre snuck up behind you.” He started to laugh and I glared at him.

“It’s not funny! He freaked me out!”

Greg’s laughter rose and I glared at my stupid boyfriend.

Okay, so I guess you are all wondering what the heck we are talking about. Well the summer before our sophomore year, Mr. Feder decided to throw an end of the summer camp out and all the adults and kids were there roasting marshmallows and telling scary stories. Keithie, Charlotte and Donna were starting their first year at our high school and were freaking out causing us to groan. We had heard it so many times. Andre, Greg and I even tried to calm them down by telling them how big of a deal they were making this. So Mr. Feder and my Uncle decided to tell us all a scary story revolving around the school. Apparently there were these two freshmen students who were constantly bullied by the older jocks but the head quarterback was the worse. Well one morning the janitor came in early to start his rounds and opened the door to classroom 415 and when he did he let out a scream. Two of the jocks including the quarterback were hanging from the ceiling…their throats were slit and their arms and legs were cut off. It was rumored that the two freshmen were arrested and ended up getting murdered in their jail cell. It was said that classroom 415 is haunted by the two jocks and the two freshmen students. People say that they would find desks and chairs flipped over and stacked in different positions, posters clawed through, and papers littered all over the floor. I’ve never seen room 415 but that’s because freshmen’s and sophomores are on one side of the school and juniors and seniors are on the other side of the school. Room 415 is on that side of the school.

“What if the story is true Greg? What if it’s all true?”

“It’s just a tall tale people tell the kids to get them to behave at school,” Greg told me “It’s not real.”

“I guess we’ll find out soon or later,” I was done thinking about the gruesome tale while walking by it at night. Greg pulled me along and we passed by Mrs. Feder dress shop and by the recreation building and the conversation was soon forgotten.

AN: Technically this is just part one. Part two will be up soon! Please comment and vote! It would mean a lot to me! Please and thank you!

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