Chapter 10

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AN: I have two more chapters that are already written so those will be up faster than the ones after that. Please comment and tell me what you think. I'd actually would really love it if people could give me ACTUAL feedback. And votes would be awesome too! Anyways, read on....

Not much happened after we walked through our small and quant little town. There were a few shops opened late to the public and there were people socializing outside our town’s only coffee shop. Greg led me over to the Ice Cream House and orders my usual. I noticed that the guy at the ice cream machine was staring at me and I moved closer to Greg. I guess he noticed because he glared at the guy and wrapped his strong arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple. The action alone sent the butterflies in my stomach to flutter, my heart beat to quicken and my cheeks to become red as tomatoes. Greg chuckled and kissed my flaming cheek as our ice cream was brought out. The guy glared at Greg “That’s five eighteen,” he muttered.

Greg handed him the money and smiled “Keep the change buddy.”

I started laughing as we walked away “Jealous much?”

His arm moved from my shoulders to my waist and he tugged me tightly against his body from behind “You’re mine,” Greg growled and then kissed my neck “Only mine.”

Turning myself in his arms, I smiled and kissed his lips lightly “Am I now?” I teased and Greg’s eyes got darker. He pressed our bodies closer together and kissed me harder, our ice cream soon forgotten.

Later, Greg took me back towards my house and I quickly pulled him past our high school. Greg chuckled but followed me up the hill. We didn’t go home straight away. In fact we past it…there was so much more past our town. You have to drive in order to get into the city where all of the real excitement happens. But just north of my house is the area of the neighborhood Greg and his family live. Our houses are at least a ten minute walk from each other.

We walked further towards his house where another one of his neighbors were throwing a party and some of the people were out on their patio having fun. I recognized while passing by the house that is where my best friend, Sara, lives. I smiled as I saw her laughing at her little brother break dancing.

“Sometimes I wish I had younger siblings,” I muttered as we walked along the sidewalk.

“You’re not missing out on anything;” Greg replied “In fact, if you want them so bad, you can have mine.”

“Well you know how much I love Becky,” I trailed off at the end smiling.

Greg laughed and tugged me closer to him “We’ll see,” he said and there was a slight pause before Greg spoke up again “Have you got a girl in mind for Andre yet?”

I sighed “Not yet,” I told him “I keep thinking of girls for him but most of the girls I do come across are either rude or not good enough for him. I honestly did not think it would be this hard.”

“What about Sara?” He questioned and my eyes snapped to his face. Was he serious?

“I don’t know Greg,” I sighed “I love Andre as a brother and all but Sara is a good friend of mine. I don’t want either of them to get hurt.”

“How do you know they will get hurt? You never know until they meet each other.”

Greg did have a point…and who knows? Maybe they both will get along so well that they end up dating and then get married? Then they can thank me on their wedding day.

“Okay,” I sighed “But promise me you won’t say a word to Andre about this, okay? I don’t want to get his hopes up if Sara doesn’t want to be set up with him.”

All Greg did was nod his head before kissing my temple “C’mon,” he said “let me take you home. It’s starting to get colder out here.”

Just as he said it, the wind picked up and I pulled my jacket closer to me. Greg wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I intertwined our fingers together. I sighed in content as we reach my driveway. I didn’t want to go back inside and break away from Greg’s warm touch but as we reach the door, the wind picked up and blew over my mom’s flower pot. Dirt picked up as I unlocked the door “Maybe you should stay over until the wind dies down,” I suggested.

“Yeah,” Greg agreed before following me into the living room “Can I use your phone to call home and let them know?” I nodded and he dashed into the kitchen where the phone was.

While he was gone, I turned on the television only for it to stop on the weather.

“Strong advisory is to stay inside and lock windows and doors,” the announcer stated and I frowned looking out the window. Dark clouds were rolling through and the wind picked up speed “Don’t go outside due to strong gusts of wind kicking up debris. Storm should die down by morning…”

“I guess I’m stuck here,” I jumped and threw the remote out of reflex at the wall before turning around to face a laughing Greg “Don’t do that! Do you want to give me a heart attack?”

Greg lifted my legs off the couch before sitting himself down beside me, my legs falling on his lap “Sorry baby. It couldn’t be helped.” His attention was back on the television screen “How long did they say the storm would last?”

“They’re advising people to stay inside until morning. That’s when they think the storm will be over. What did your parents say when you called?”

Greg laughed “Mom and dad weren’t concerned,” he said “They know I’m safe over here. Mom actually said it was good I was here considering your home alone for another week.”

“Yeah,” I replied “I don’t think I would have liked being here by myself.”

I changed the channel to VH1 where music videos were playing twenty four seven. Right now they were playing eighties music but I didn’t bother to look at the screen. My attention was focused on Greg’s hands on the top of my calf mindlessly tracing patterns on my skin. It honestly made my face flush remembering a couple of nights ago. I met Greg’s eyes and leaned in closer to him and kissed his lips.

“I love you,” I whispered against his lips.

“I love you too baby,” he muttered.

The night went on as we made out on my couch, the television still playing old music videos. The storm didn’t stop until the late afternoon the next day and by then everything was covered in a thin layer of dirt and leaves. Cleanup was going to end up killing me. Greg ended up stay longer and helped me place everything back the way it was before the storm. It was even nice enough outside to wash our other car and the driveway…and that’s what we did. Let’s just say that washing the car took a while considering how much I couldn’t get Greg to stop drooling at my womanly parts…but on the inside I was loving the attention.

The First Day Of Summer (Sequel to The Lake House)Where stories live. Discover now