Stuck with you!

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"Hey! Let me out Blaise! I swear, I'm gonna kill you when I get out of here! And the Weaselette can join you, too!" Draco said, pounding on the door.

Hermione cleared her throat. She saw Malfoy's figure turn around and face her.

"Who's there?" he called out to the darkness. "It's me." Hermione said quietly.

Malfoy groaned. "Oh great. Noww I'm stuck with the muggle-born. Could this get any worse?"

Hermione raised her eyebrow. Muggle-born? Now, that's new. she thought.

"It was never my choice, Malfoy, so stop complaining." she said. She sat on the lone desk in the room. The desk covered at least a half of the room. If you could call this a room. Hermione thought as she thought of a way to get out if here, since Ginny, oh sweet, innocent little Ginny, took her wand before pushing her in the closet.

"So, what happens now? I don't think they locked us in here just to discuss the magical properties of unicorn blood." Draco said sarcastically. He wouldn't want to waste his time inside a broom closet. Especially not with Granger.

Hermione sighed. This is gonna be a loooooong day.

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