It was Love

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Their lips met.

They stayed in that position for what seemed like an eternity; but in reality, they just froze for like 5 seconds.

Slowly, ever so slowly, Hermione pulled away. Or at least, she tried to, but when her lips parted from Draco's, there was suddenly a spark of electricity between them.

Draco, on the other hand was just frozen solid. When he felt Hermione move away from him, he felt a sudden spark, as if the air around them was filled with electricity, and Hermione's soft plush lips were like a magnetic pull for him.

As if by divine force, he found himself leaning in to the kiss, suddenly wanting her more.

He didn't exactly know what prompted him to do it, but he gently grabbed Hermione by the waist, pulling him snug to him, and letting his hand rest there.

Meanwhile, Hermione was also starting to feel attracted to the kiss. She let her arms encircle Draco's neck, as if her entire life depended on it.

And that's when Draco lost control.

Draco tightened his grip on Hermione's waist. He wanted her. No, scratch that. He needed her.

He pushed Hermione gently against the wall without breaking the kiss.

He kissed her hard, a kiss full of love, passion, and need.

He ran his tongue on her lower lip, causing Hermione to gasp in surprise, for this kind of feeling was new to her.

It was a strange feeling.

It was love.

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