No sandwiches for Draco

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Hermione rubbed her temples, forcing herself to restrain herself from strangling the fair-haired man in front of her.

Deep breaths, Hermione, deep breaths. You wouldn't want to leave Hogwarts to go to St. Mungo's because of insanity, do you? You wouldn't want to be locked up in a squishy room in a strait-jacket with nurses treating you like a baby. You wouldn't like the food there. she thought, as she forced herself to calm down before she starts hitting her head on the wall. The poor brain cells.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Make me a sandwich." Draco said as he saw the brunette rubbing her head, muttering under her breath like a sleep deprived lunatic hag.

And that's when Hermione snapped. She slowly turned her head to look at Draco, her eyes glinting with madness. Uh-oh. Draco thought. Nobody likes a mad Hermione.

"Malfoy, I would like to remind you that I am not your slave." Hermione said in a dangerously quiet voice. "I cannot make you a sandwich because of that reason. Another reason is that I do not have my wand with me because Ginny and your idiot of a best friend took it from me." her voice was getting louder with every word she said. "ANOTHER reason is that I CANNOT make food appear out of nowhere, and YOU would know that if you weren't BLOODY STUPID enough not to pay attention in class."

At that time, Draco backed in a corner, trying to put more distance between him and the enraged witch. And because of the size of the broom cupboard, he didn't fare much.

"And FINALLY, I CANNOT, and WILL NOT, make you a sandwich because WE'RE STUCK INSIDE THIS GODDAMNED CLOSET!" Draco flinched as she shouted those words at him.

"You would know that, but APPARENTLY, you don't because your BRAIN is CLEARLY NOWHERE NEAR HERE!" Hermione finished. She was breathing hard, with her hear sticking to her face because of the heat. It was a scary sight.

Draco was wise enough not to say anything.

Hermione sighed, now calm as she always does after realeasing her emotions. "You really are lucky you're hot, Malfoy." she muttered under her breath. She didn't expect the said Slytherin to have heard her.

"Wait, WHAT?" Draco exclaimed, eyes wide.

Hermione now noticed her slip-up.

"Oh, shit."

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