Go make me a sandwich.

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After a few hours of Draco muttering under his breath about ways to kill the cursed couple *cough* Ginny and Blaise *cough*, Hermione eventually fell asleep on the table whilst leaning on the wall.

It seems like she has only had a few minutes of sleep when she was suddenly woken up by sharp fingers jabbing her side.

"Ganger..." the voice whispered. "Granger..." the voice said, this time, a bit louder.

"Oh, what the hell, WAKE UP, WOMAN!" he shouted.

"Wai- wha- what?" Hermione jumped, a little bit too high that her head bumped the ceiling.

"For the love of Merlin, what do you want, Malfoy?" she said, annoyed, while rubbing the back of her head.

"I'm hungry. Go make me a sandwich." he said calmly.

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