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---Haleys POV---

KayLee looked a bit off and scared I don't know why but I think it was because of the text that she got. Well I think that we all think that.

I dragged KayLee away from the others and asked,,

"KayLee, are you ok?"

"Look.!" She showed me the text message. WTF!!??

"What's going on?"

"Does it look like I know?! Did you see anybody that we know there at the mall?"

"Lily knows like, everybody go ask her."

"Haley, I don't want everyone to know about this." She says and points to her phone.

"Just go ask her! You don't have to tell her about the text!"


---KayLees POV---

I went and got Lily 'cause she knows everyone.

"Lily, did you se anyone that you think knows me at the mall?"

"I seen Josh and Niall and his hang with their girlfriends, but that know you or the other girls would me Josh. Wait isn't Josh your ex?"

"Oh my God!! It could be Josh!!"

"What are you talking about?"



How could I be stupid!! It's Josh!! Josh is my CRAZY ex and he was really weird and mean and ughh I don't even want to think about it.

"Haley!!!!!!!" I yelled.

"What!! I'm right here!" Turns out she was right next to me.

"Sorry!!!!" I yelled as loud as i could. "but Lily said that she was Josh."

"How do you know it's not Harry?"

"How would Harry know my number? He doesn't even know me!"

"I herd him talk about a girl-"

"How do you know that was me?!."

"Let me finish! About a girl that is cute and BEAUTIFUL as he said and sweet and looked like you when I passed them, and when I passed them Harry looked at me and looked like he was scared but I don't know why he was scared."

"I don't know."

"He could've talked to Josh to get your number."

"Then why wouldn't he just text me saying it was him?!"

"Does it look like I would know?!"


Now that I think of what Haley said than maybe it could be him, but I think it's still Josh.

"Let's go back to them" I said.

When we got back and all I heard was,

"-Oh boom pow I just blew your mind!" That was from Lily then Tessie started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Haley asked.

"Nothing. So why did you looked so scared when you got that text KayLee?" Tessie asked

"I'll tell ya later. I'm tried, lets watch a movie. Haley make some popcorn." I said

"Gezz bossy much?" She said.


"Much better" and with that she went off to make popcorn.

We watch a bunch of different movies and I fell asleep.


Lets Be Friends {NH fanfiction} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now