True Form

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Ren tore through the forest, slashing apart anything that stood in his way. The man had removed his seal.

They saw me......They saw me! I can't go back......I can never face them ever again. There's no hope for me now.

Tears ran out of his blue and purple eyes, sliding down his cheek before dripping off. Ren finally stopped running. He couldn't go any further. The stress and the breaking of his seal had left his body weak. He doubted he'd even be able to fend off Tohru, if she came looking for him. But why would a saint like her come looking for a monster like him? She wouldn't. The image of a woman suddenly appeared in front of him. Ren's eyes widened.


"Ren, is everything okay? Did your grandfather say something to you again? Don't worry, I still love you. I don't care if you're the Demon of the Zodiac, I still love you." The image said in an echoing voice.

If that was true.....then why did you die? Why did you leave me all alone?! Tell me!

"Ren, it's okay. I-"


The image faded and Ren fell to his knees. He was alone in this world, and now he had to accept it. The sound of footsteps reached Ren's ears. It sounded like two people to be exact, but who would come all the way out here? Ren's eyes widened. It was them, they'd come looking for him! No! He couldn't let them see him like this! Ren scrambled to his feet and turned to run, only to come face to face an old man.

"So, he managed to remove your seal. Good. A demon shouldn't be allowed to make friends, especially with the Sohma family. They'll see what you really are, demon, and they'll hate you because of it. Everyone will hate you, even the people you thought cared about you." The man said in a cold, sadistic voice.


A distorted whine escaped Ren's mouth. He'd forgotten that he couldn't talk while he was in this form. Ren fell to his knees again, hugging himself in despair. A harsh kick sent him sprawling.

"Damn demon! Did you think you could get away with this?! Messing up my perfect plans?! I should kill you for that!" The man shouted stomping all over Ren's body, "You're nothing but scum! A worthless half-breed!"

Rain started to fall from the sky, turning the ground to mud. The man stopped his assault.

"And now my clothes are getting soaked, and it's all your fault."

That did it. Ren's mind had reached its limit for abuse. A feral roar erupted from his jaws as he sprang up, striking his grandfather with his tail. The spines that ran down the center of it ripped through his clothes as if they were wet paper and cut into the skin just as easy. The force sent the old man sliding back.

"You dare attack me?! I'll have you whipped for-"

Ren's foot slammed down hard onto his chest, his claws gripping the soft flesh. He'd had enough. He was done! Ren pushed down with more and more force, making his grandfather gasp for air. A line of blood soon ran out of the corner of his mouth.

I'm going to kill you! I've had enough of your bullshit old man!

A long growl rumbled out of Ren's chest and a twisted grin grew on his muzzle. It was time to end this stupid old fool. If he was dead then all of Ren's problems would be over with, right? Right?!

"Ren stop!" Kyo shouted.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Ren had completely transformed into some kind of monster. His skin had become a dark smokey color and his hair was replaced by red horns. His legs had become digitigrade and his hands and feet had claws. He almost looked like Kyo did when his own seal was removed, only his skin wasn't baggy and he didn't have as long of ears on top of his head. A long lizard-like tail snaked around behind him. Kyo also noticed a row of spines that ran from the tip of Ren's muzzle to the end of his tail. He almost looked like a bipedal dragon. His teeth were now bared in a furious snarl, exposing his wolf-like teeth and a black snake-like tongue. It even looked like Ren had a pair of blade-like wings on his back, but Kyo wasn't sure. It also seemed that Ren had grown a small pair of downward facing tusks. Ren fully turned towards them, but not before grabbing the old man he was stepping by the face.

"Kyo, he going to-?!"

A flash of black light and the man went limp. Ren then harshly dropped him and kicked him away, sending him sliding for over forty feet in the mud.

Yuki felt his lungs freeze when Ren turned to face them. Both of his eyes were exposed, but they were a dark demonic red that glowed in the low light. Yuki stumbled back and fell. He was terrified, he couldn't think, he couldn't breath. Kyo suddenly stepped in front of Yuki, completely blocking Ren from view.

"Hey, I need you to do me a favor." Kyo didn't sound like his usual ticked off self, he sounded....sad. His reddish orange eyes said the same.

"I need you to hold on to these." Kyo said taking off his shirt.

Kyo took a deep breath. He had to do this. Ren was running on pure killer instinct right now, he could tell just by looking at the poor kid. This was for Tohru, he had to bring Ren back.

"Kyo please, bring Ren home. I don't want him to be alone again, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I just let him run away. But I'm not strong enough, I'm too weak to do anything, but Kyo, I know that you can help him. So please, please save Ren!"

Kyo narrowed his eyes in determination before slipping his beads off of his wrist and tossing them to Yuki. Almost immediately, Kyo's skin began to distort and steam. The transformation hurt, but Kyo gritted his teeth and endured it.

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