33-Garage Sale Here

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Garage sales are perfect ways to get rid of old clutter and earn some money. People around your neighborhood get secondhanded items for cheap and you get to enjoy the outdoors from the safety of your chair as you watch more and more cash build up in the cash register or whatever you use. Here is my step by step guide on how to have the best garage sale.

1. Collect all the items that are no longer used in your house. Check the basement or the attic for the best probability of finding something. You might want to look at old books, clothes, decorations, silverware, art supplies, and storage options.

2. Make sure that no one else needs these items. You might not want to sell an old family heirloom for 50 cents. 

3. If you have younger siblings, assign them to a lemonade stand or make cookies for them to sell. If you have older siblings, get them to spread the word about your upcoming garage sale and collect their old clothes. 

4. Find ways to display your clothes. Fold up tables are the best choice since you can easily put them up and away. Do not use items that might look like they are on sale.

5. Find stickers to mark the price of the items. Make the prices range from 10 cents to 5 dollars for the majority of your items and make sure not to overprice on items that are worn. 

5 1/2. Once you have done steps 1-5 you can finally set a date. Make sure that you give yourself enough time to do step 6. I would suggest checking the weather on the dates and make sure that it is not on days that people are most busy like Sundays or Wednesdays. Most garage sales take place on Saturdays.

6. Advertise! There is no point in having a garage sale if no one buys anything. Get signs and print out fliers long before the actual garage sale. Post on social media and tell the friends at school and around your neighborhood. Tell your relatives and church friends. 

7. Have the garage sale! You need to be completely ready by the time the advertised time arrives. Make sure that someone is constantly outside to watch the customers. Advertise during the garage sale too. Post photos of the tables with the items on it and make sure that the address clearly shows on the signs. 

Having a garage sale can be really boring to make sure to invite your friends to help! Keep the garage sale on for as long as you can. You don't have to choose only one day either. If you don't sell all that you want to, you can try again on the next weekend with more advertisement and more resources. Ask your neighbors if they want to have a neighborhood-wide garage sale to attract more attention. 

Have you ever held a garage sale? How did it turn out? Post in the comments below. Remember to 'like' the chapter. You have been educated.

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