chapter 4

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chapter 4 

Do you spend hours stalking your crush ? i dont know about you but i do. i am still in my pyjamas and its 11:20 in he morning. Matt is lying beside me, we have enough space that two people can fit. He is obviously texting someone. i am seriously kind of annoyed. 

Oh my god chad just posted a pic of him and nicole. His hand is around her waist and her hand is around his neck. Jealousy and anger surge through my body. Wy does he even date her? mean she is pretty but she is so mercenary and full of herself. But the bad part is that Chad is blind in her love.

" okay, can you please stop being jealous of that intrusive contessa and that mongrel chum?" matt says and sits cross-legged. Enmity flows through my dare he sya that? he knows i love and i cant stand a word against him. i cant believe this, he has never said a word against him never but why now ?

"how dare you say that !!!! ' i stand up and so does he. He doesnt even look scared. he crosses his arms and glares at me.

" i am right, i cant see you like this!!" he howls.

" see like what ?" i ask. 

" i hate seeing you being jealous of that moron who led you through a lot of embarrassment and trouble. I hate it when you feel unfortunate for not being Chads gilfriend. He is a manwhore and you know that. " he comes towards me and squeezes my shoulders. i push him away. His face turns stiff and his forhead creases. 

" Chad is not a manwhore, you are just jealous that you are not that charming and impressive as Chad. and one more time , one more time you say somehting against Chad i swear i will cut in thousaind pieces and feed it to queen elizabeth's dogs." i glare at him for like  a minute. he doesnt say anything . he picks up his phone from my bed and storms out of my room. i hear him saying bye to my mom then after a minute or so i hear his bike drive off my driveway. i look outside my window and there he is gone out of sight.

i sit on my bed with a loud thud and log out from my facebook. i dont understand Matt never behaved like this. we had fights but those were like a long time ago and plus those fights werent on dumb, stupid reason.

i seriously dont understand. i dont think i should take too much stress it is just a small fight. i group call hayley and naila but no response. i text both of them :

me: text or call me when free!!

i lie down on my bed and close my eyes. after couple of minutes i hear my message ringtone. i open my eyes and see the message. 

heyley: i am sorry i am kind of busy. me and my parents wes hose right now. making an excuse will be rude. i guess i will talk to you in school. take care

me: oh sorry to disturb you. meet you in school. 

i guess there is so point. i will tell both of them tomorrow at school. Something is punching my stomach and i know exactly what it is the word 'school" basically ' 2nd year of highschool". i know its the second year so i dont need to worry about it but guess what my first year went horrible and i dont want the same thing with this one. i still remember last year Nicole embarrassed me a lot. she used to tell everyone that i peed in my pants when i was in grade 8  ( which is not true ), well half of it is true, i did pee in my pants but in grade 4. Chill, it was grade 4 , it happens to everyone. 

I am so scared, i know i shouldnt be. i am such a panic chicken. 


 A/N  okay guys this is my first story.. and srry for all mispelling becaus i wrote this through my phone..

and i hope you guys liked it , feedback will motivate me to write more and thankyou for reading :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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