Yes or No

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He was just my friend until he asked me out. Both Yes and No will change my life forever. but at the same time... it doesnt feel right. i like chad and i was blind in his love and never realized that matt was falling for me. i never had fgeelings for matt. How do i tell matt that i love chad an dating him wouldnt be the right love.  But the problem is that  my thinking time is over. i have to decide know ..........

i quickly grab my phone and type hailey's number. After few rings she picked it up.

"Hey , sup?" she said, so causal and normal, but what i was about to tell her will change her attitude forever...

"umm... i have decided about the-" right before i could finish, she cut me off.

" oh my god !! is it a yes or a no... but wait... whatever you decided, make sure it is in the favor of both." she said and i looked up at the ceiling and then straight.

" i know i am going to say-" 

it is a really funny, loving and somewhat terrifying but full of suspense and curiousity , Love Story. 


Matt : chance Crawford 

Serena : zoella 

Chad Williams : Ryan Guzman 

( i am not officially the best at writing these, but i proimise that you will love my story. I tried my best tho.. thankyou )

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