chapter 3

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chapter 3 

"oh hi mom" I say as I enter the house. She is sitting on the couch watching T.V. 

"hi sweetheart, how was your shopping ?" 

" it was great " I say and walk towards the staircase. 

"hey Mrs.Richard..oh mean Mrs.montez"Matt says and follows me. I know he is feeling really awkward right now.  

" oh its alright honey. It happens, I am not used to it either. I write Jennifer Richard on papers instead of jennifer montez. " I know it is not alright so does matt. I know you are confused so allow me to explain. My parents are divorced. My dad, whom I call Mr.Satan, married another woman, lisa, Mrs.Satan. I truly hate her, two reasons 1: she stole my dad 2: she stole my house. I heard she has a sixteen year old son, peter ( same age as me ), who is a bad boy. I have never seen him but I know for sure he is as ugly as Mrs.Satan.

I put my bags on my bed and go to the bathroom. Tears drop from my eyes. My dad was my hero, everyday he used to buy me presents, like its my birthday. But one day he stopped i didn't know why, I thought it's because we don't have enough money. I was 9 at that time, but the real reason was that he used to buy presents for that peter to impress that fat Mrs.satan.

"Serena, where is your phones charger?" he knocks on the bathroom door. Oh my god be normal serena.  

"I am coming just give me a minute." I try to sound normal. I quickly wash my face and wipe my makeup and go outside. Matt is sitting on the corner of my bed. I open my side table's drawer, take out my charger and throw it on the bed.  

"here you go " I say as I open my closet.  

"its too far ser ser!" he says. I know he is doing this purposely because he is just too lazy to stretch his stupid arms. I walk towards the bed, pick up the charger and hand it to him.  

He holds my hand and takes the charger from his another hand.  

"I am sorry that i reminded you and your mom about your cruel, poo- he looks at my face and realizes that whatever my dad did to me and my mom i still dont allow anyone to say anything bad about my dad, except me- sorry about your dad."  

"its alright, it happens like my mom said " I am talking about the reminder of my dad thing.  

"no its not, don't lie ser ser, I know you, I know everyhting. You were crying in the bathroom weren't ya? " he says and rubs my hand. I don't know what to say. Well there is no point of lying serena he knows everythig.  

"Y...e...s...."i stutter. I don't know why but I always get emotional when someone talks about my dad. Matt hugs me and I hug him back. 

"everything is going to be fine ," he is saying like he is my big brother. But I don't care because now he is the one to protect me.

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