Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My hand suddenly touches Chad's hand. Oh my god my body starts to vibrate. Then Chad slowly puts his hand around my waist and ..............

Ring ring ring ring ring ring ....

I slowly open my eyes and I was so exasperated by the fact that I was distracted by my appealing and beauteous dream. I turn around to get my phone, it's obviously that stupid, annoying , my dream wrecker , MATT.


"Hey sleepy head, wakey wakey"

"What do you want ?" I seriously want to cuss him off for distracting me from my wonderful sleep. But I don't because I appreciate that he called me instead of what he did last time, dumping 2 glasses of cold milk in my face.

"Be ready, I am picking you up in 10 minutes."

"make it 20 because I have to take a shower "

"10 is done ".

"Bu...." And he hung up. Great now I have 10 minutes to get ready. Matt seriously is a crack up .

I get out of my bed and rush to the washroom. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower.

I pick out my outfit and rush to my vanity. When I am done with my make up, I quickly make a high ponytail and look at my long door mirror to check if everything is fine. I am wearing a white crop top which says "too sassy for you " and a maroon-red hi-lo style long skirt. I grab my small, black purse with golden studs and wear my black heels .

I head downstairs and make my self tea and toast two pieces of bread. I instantaneously finish my breakfast. I take a quick glance at the clock , it's 10:15. It took me more than 25 minutes to get ready and he is not here yet . I dial his number , I know there is a thing called contacts but I memorized Matt's number incase my phone is not working, anyways .

It's going to his voice mail. I seriously am so worried now. What if he got in an accident. Oh my god, come on Serena don't be such a kid, he will be here.

-----------------------------10 -12 minutes later---------------------

Ding dong

Finally, trust me I was so relieved. I open the door and I see a 5 foot 2 inches guy, with messy side bangs , black half sleeve shirt, light blue jeans and a grey chain around his neck. Meet my bestfriend Matt. Now I know why he has a lot of girls dying for him . Well, not as much as the charming, and stunning Chad.

" okay enough with the drooling " he said while entering my house.

I touch my face to see if I am drooling. Well luckily I am not and why would I ?

"I am not drooling, I was just amazed by your clothing today" I tell him as I close the door . I turn around and see him staring at me.

"What ?"I ask him and stare at my clothes if I have a stain or something. I see nothing and look at him again.

"you look like a stained-glass window, simple, bright and shiny ."

He actually never complimented me like that. I mean he would first actually make fun of me and say 'just kidding ' after .

"And I feel so sorrowful looking at you " i say to him with a crooked smile . He winkes at me and smile like he doesn't care for what I just said.

"C'mon ser ser stop being jealous " he calls me ser ser often. I am not sure why but I don't mind .

"I am jealous of you, give me a break " I say to him with my hands right beside my shoulder like I am protecting my self or telling someone to back-off.

"Okay now lets go, we are getting late " he says to me and goes to the kitchen, grabs a water bottle.

"Serena lets go AND please do a final check" he is right, because last time when we were going to Hayley's house, I forgot to lock my house and plus I forgot to switch off my room's light.

" okay go wait in the car I wil be there in 2 minutes " I go upstairs to see if all the windows are closed, and glance at the mirror.


I rush downstairs, lock the door and sit on the front right seat. We are going to the mall, where we are going to meet naila, hayley, Neil and Tyler.

"Put your belt on missy " good that he reminded me because I do usually forget to wear my belt.


Okay I hope you like the first chapter this is actually my first book so please forgive the mistakes!!

Any questions please comment down them below !! And tell me if you guys are okay with the characters

Bye and stay warm,


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