More than friends (Harry Styles)

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Chapter 1: Don't worry, i'll keep you safe

Ally pov

"Niall can you go please get some food I'm Hungryy" i whined in this Friday evening

"Fine fine but you are coming with me" He said pulling my arm and dragging me to the door

"Ugh fine just let go" I said and he did what i told him

Me and Niall have been friends since 5 grade i have only met one of his band mates and thats Liam. I still need to meet the others.

"Off to Nandos!" He yelled an started the car

"No, lets go to Mcdonalds"



"Hey Ally"


"Do you wanna meet my other mates"



He said and we headed to McDonald's. We are

finally here and Niall turned off the engine and we hoped off the vehicle and enter McDonald's.

"I'll text the boys to come meet us here"Niall said and i nodded

After he sent the messages to the guys we ordered our meals. I ordered a 20 piece of chicken nuggets and so did Niall. I ordered a medium size Coke and Niall ordered a large Sprite.

We got our food and went to a booth and sat down. I was sitting in front of him

"So when does the guys get here" i asked

"They should be he.... oh there over there" Niall said and pointed at them and I looked back there were 4 guys 1 of then Liam and the others were i think Louis, Zayn, and Harry.

They started walking over to us when they spotted us.

"Hey Ally" Liam said and gave me a hug i hugged back of of course

"Hey Liam" i said after we both ended our hugs

"So this is Louis, Zayn, and Harry" Niall said pointing to which is who

"Hi" i said shyly. im shy at first but onces you get to know me im not the shy girl you thought i was

"Hey" they all said in union

Louis went to go get some food. Niall was siting next to Harry. And to my right is Zayn and to my left is Liam.

"So Ally whats your relationship status" Zayn said out of nowhere

"Single" i said and took a sip of my coke

"Whats your guys relationship status" i said trying to keep this conversation going.

"Taken" Zayn said

"Single" Liam said

"Single" Harry said

"Taken!!" Louis yelled and brought the food for himself, Zayn , and Harry and sat next to Niall.

"Taken" Niall said i was shock Niall never told me he had a girlfriend

"Taken? Who? You never told me Niall, i thought we were friends?" I said fake being hurt

"Im taken by these lovely chicken nuggets" He said looking at the nugget and then ate it.

We all started to laugh. Everytime i look at Harry he is already looking at me.

" Allly?" Louis asked after he took his sip of his soda


"You seem so familiar but i don't know where i've seen you before"

"Oh" its all i said and shrugged my shoulders

"Hey we should go somewhere" Zayn whined

"Where to?" Liam said and had a thinking face


"NO" i cut Niall off and he just huffed and pout

"How about a movie night" i suggested and everyone looked at me with wide eyes

"What" i asked confused

"MOVIE NIGHT SLEEPOVER!!!" They all yelled an startled me i giggled and i got up from the booth and so did the others.

"Lets go to my house" Harry said an we all nodded

We headed to our own cars. Me and Niall in nialls car and everyone else went to Louis car.

~Harrys pov

I couldn't keep my eyes off of Ally she was beautiful she had bright blue ocean eyes, pearly white teeth, her brown straight hair that goes to her waist. The way how she flips her head to keep her side bangs off of her eyes to see. I love how she laughs though while we were at Mcdonald's Ally made a funny weird face an made Niall spit his drink to Liams face, the funny part was that it came out of his nose.

I wanted to learn more about Ally, what she likes,dislikes, if she's allergic to anything?

We all are in the living room. Niall, Liam, Zayn in the couch and me Ally and Louis on the floor. I was in the kitchen preparing the popcorn, drinks

"So what movie should we watch" Ally said after I came in with two bowls of popcorn one for the couch people and the other for the floor people. I was sitting in th middle of the floor to my right is Louis on his tummy looking at the tv with his pillow and Ally on my left.

"Um how about a horror movie" Zayn asked

"Yes" They yelled and I chuckled and put in the movie

"So what movie did you pick mate" Liam said with his mouth full of popcorn

"The nightmare on elm street 3: Dream Master" i said playing the movie

We turned off the lights and the movie started to play.

I scooted closer to Ally just in case she gets scared.

~Ally's pov~

There were some parts that got me scared like those pop outs I yelp here ad there.

I never noticed how close i was to Harry maybe because i keep jumping and got close to Harry then i was.

"Ah" i squealed and jump a little and hid my face into Harry's chest i heard Harry chuckle and wrap his arm around me and whispered in my ear "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe". I uncover my face and look at the tv I actually felt safe being in the arms of Harry. But i barely

Knew anything about him.

We watch the other movie of The night mare on elm street 4: Dream Child but in the middle scene i fell asleep. In Harry's arms.

~Harrys pov~

I suddenly felt light breathing i look down and see that Ally fell asleep in my arms.She look so peaceful sleeping in my arms. I smiled to my self that maybe one day she can be mine.

I look to see the others and they all fell asleep as well. I turned off the tv and fell asleep.

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