Chapter 2

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•Harrys pov•

I woke up and look down to see that Ally is still sleeping. I look around to see if the boys were still sleeping, they weren't i wonder where they went. I cautiously put Ally in the couch and put a blanket on top of her. I went to the kitchen and to see theres a note on the fridge. It read.

Dear Harry and Ally

We went out to get more food because when we woke up we saw Niall with sn almost empty refrigerator we'll be back in a few hours

- Liamxxx

I chuckled and opened the refrigerator my mouth dropped I though he was exaggerating about the refrigerator being half empty. I closed the refrigerator and went to get myself some tea.

I waited for the tea to get ready. I heard the sound and turned off the stove. I poured myself my favourite tea.

I look up when I heard light footsteps and saw a sleepy Ally rubbing her eyes.


"GoodMorning love" i said and took a sip of my tea

"Morning" she sleepy said then she closed her eyes and sneezed.

"Bless you" i said her sneeze was the cutest sneeze i have ever heard it sounded like a cute kitten.

"Thanks" she said and smiled

"Wheres the others?"

"Apparently they went out to get some food because Niall ate the refrigerator"

She laughed and opened the fridge she had the same expression i had her jaw dropped and thought that was kidding.

"Do you want to go to Starbucks?' i asked

"Ya sure" she said and smiled which made me smile too.

I grabbed my house keys and put on my shoes. Ally did the same and grabbed her phone.



We walked out the house and lock the door behind me and kept on walking. Starbucks its just about 5-10 minutes away by walking.

"So Ally how did you met Niall?" i asked trying to start a conversation

" umm well i moved to Ireland and apparently Niall was my next door neighbour and i went to the same school as him and he was my tour guide around the school and we just... clicked and became best friends" she said nodding an smiling

"What grade?"

"5 grade"


We finally reached to Starbucks and i ordered my strawberry-mango smoothie.

"What are you ordering?' i ask Ally which she was thinking

"Um can i get the chocolate chip frappuchino"

"Yep names" the guy said he seemed like our age

"Ally" she said i ordered mine already and put as Bob because then fans are gonna mob us.

"Mm k" he said i looked at his name tag and his name was Drake. He had blonde bieber hair sea green eyes.

"That will be 15.97" Drake said Ally was going to pull her money but i stopped her and hand my money to Drake.

We waited till we get our names called but for the meanwhile we sat at a booth we were quiet until Ally spoke.

"You know i could of payed it myself" she said and giggled

"I know but i don't let beautiful girls like you pay" i said and tapped the tip of her nose. She giggle and said "thank you"

"Bob and Ally" we heard Drake call our names

We got our drinks and Ally burst out laughing after we left the shop and we were outside.

"Haha what" i joined her laughing at i don't know what she laughing

"Seriously Bob, is that what you say when you go to Starbucks every time." she said her laughing dying down

I chuckled "ya.. well not really on this shop i go for bob and the others i just randomly picked out names"

"Haha well i'm gonna call you Bob now Bob" she giggled and took a sip of her frap.

"No i'm only BoB when i go to starbucks" i said in a playful tone

"Ok lets go back"


"So i could call you bob"


We got home and see that the others were home already because of Nialls car.

We went inside to see that the boys were eating in the kitchen.

"Hey guys" I said disrupting their conversation

"Hey Harry, Ally" they all said

"ALLLYYY!!!" Louis yelled and ran towards Ally and tackle her down the ground with a hug squeezing her to death.

"Lou.. can't....breathe" Ally said trying to breath

"Sorry love" Louis said and helped Ally up

"Your lucky that my drink didn't spill" she said and took a sip

"Ally have a brownie" Liam said handing a brownie to Ally

"Brownie!!" she said excitedly in a child's voice and took a bite

"Hey what about me" i said and pout

"Sorry mate here you go" Liam said and handed me a brownie i took a bite and moaned to the deliciousness of the chocolaty sweet.

"Well i better be going i'll see you guys later it was nice meeting you guy" Ally said and hugged Liam, Zayn, Louis, niall then me.

"Bye" she said and headed towards the door i ran after her

"Hey Ally I'll walk with you" i said catch in up to her

"Oh you don't have to" she said while we walked

"But i want to' i said an smiled then she smile

"So do you live close?"

"Yep around the corner" she said i smiled widely because she lives were i am.

•Ally's pov•

We finally got to my house and i unlock the door i live alone.

"Do you wanna come inside Harry?" i said almost going inside

"No i better get going before the guys destroy my house" he said and chuckled

"Ok i'll see you later" i said and smiled he smiled back showing off those dimples damn how i love those dimples. We exchanged numbers and hugged him. He started to walk to his house and i closed my door and headed upstairs to my bathroom to take a shower.

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