You're The Bonnie To My Clyde | Pt.1

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Dan quickly reloaded his .38 caliber pistol before grazing his thumb over the engraving on the handle. The cursive letters were carefully and neatly carved into the metal, just beside the trigger.

'DH & PL'

Just looking at the initials of his own and his beloved gave him the strength to keep going.

"Alright, Dan, we got all of it. Let's go, the car's round back." Came a voice from just behind him. Dan turned to face Phil, completely dressed in black, not unlike himself. The pair slung two big black duffle bags over their shoulders and proceeded out of the vault the way they came, guns drawn and aimed directly ahead of them.

Phil led the way towards the back exit. The two had managed to control the staff of the small bank and get them to cooperate, but it wouldn't be long until somebody notified the cops. They carefully stepped over the bodies lying on the floor, who were unable to move due to the tape binding their hands and feet together.

As they neared the back door, sirens blaring in the distance. Dan remembered everything Phil and him had gone over nearly a thousand times before.

Stay behind cover. Never put yourself in their line of sight. If shooting is the only way out, so be it. Use hostages if necessary. Meet up at the closest safe house if forced to split up. All of these rules were drilled into their memories with no intention of being forgotten.

Dan should have been frightened. He should have been scared out of his wits. But Dan wasn't nervous at all, no.
He was ecstatic. Joyful, even. Anyone could tell by the huge grin plastered on his pale and bruised cheeks.

Phil had his hand on the door, ready to push it open as he turned back to Dan.
"You ready?" Phil questioned with a smirk. Dan smiled and nodded.

Dan reached his hand out to Phil's and laced their fingers together. He flashed Phil one more reassuring look as Phil pushed up against the door and flung it open.

The cool spring breeze was the first to greet the pair as they exited the bank, bags stuffed full with thousands of bills slung over their shoulders.

After checking their surroundings and making sure his spouse was safe, Dan attached his eyes on Phil features and skipped along the concrete, one hand fiddling with Phil's wedding ring and the other gripping his silver gun.

"Drop the guns!!" A voice came from behind them as they about made it to the getaway car.
"You have beautiful eyes, y'know?" Dan whispered to Phil as he raised the gun from his side and shot the police officer square in the centre of his head, barely missing a beat. Dan's ears rung but his eyes didn't leave Phil once.

Phil looked down at the now dead cop lying on the pavement, then back up to Dan.
"You're such a flirt." Phil chuckled, pulling Dan by the collar into a chaste kiss.

Dan smiled into the kiss and brought his hands up to Phil's cheeks, the cold metal of the gun pressing against his warm skin. Phil pulled back a bit, only to lean back in and plant a kiss on the corner of Dan's lips.
"We can continue this later, we should go now." Phil said quietly, hearing more sirens drawing near. Dan sighed in annoyance, but complied, and they both quickly got into the car.

Phil hopped into the drivers seat and stuffed his bag into the backseat before he started the car. Dan sat next to him with his gun and giant duffle bag open on his lap. Dan's hand explored the bag before he scooped out a bundle of money and brought it to his nose. The smell of sweet victory must have rubbed off on the cash.

Phil kept his gun, engraved with the same initials as Dan's, on his lap in case it was needed. Without hesitation, Phil stepped on the gas pedal and sped away from the bank.

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