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"You gay retard," [Y/n] cursed at her tv screen. The bloody thing won't even turn on. It's not like she could ask her village neighbors for help because, well, they're all afraid of her. Or is it the other way around. Either way, she wasn't going out there for nothing.

She began to fumble the switches and wires inside the box of a screen in frustration as she recalled the fact she won't hear the latest speech from the kings.

The kings themselves were rather terrible to be honest although no one exactly knew who they were. The land of YouTube was pretty messed up with Killer Gnomes and Pedophile Gamers. Their society would probably be more advanced and as prestige as our own if it weren't for the messed up system they have.

But tonight, it was rather important that she hears the latest decree from the kings because there was rumor of a new law to be implemented. This law could kill off cancerous citizens, but it also restricted their freedoms.

[Y/n] considered buying a new tv, but the problem was, she's broke. She could always turn in a video to the upload station closer to town but at this time of day it would be pact with people trying to make their daily wage. Their videos are then put on the television, each citizen having their own channel. The land of YouTube had a system where if you make content you can trade it in for revenue. The better the content the larger the revenue is based on how many people watch your channel or how many is estimated to. The only problem is it's a rigged system because you need good cameras to get money but you need money to get good cameras. It's not like there was that much accessible technology in this world anyway. The Kings were most likely harboring such things for their own personal gain.

Sighing in defeat, she stood up from the floor and made her way towards her only resting place. Her house, believe it or not, wasn't that big. Just a one room stone house like the rest of the common village folk. Her bed itself was just an elevated wooden frame with a couple layers of old sheep skins for warmth. She began wiping the dirt and dust from her hands on her dress skirt. The dress itself comprised of little to no decoration for it was older than her. It was a faded shade of crimson and had a thick torn ribbon around the waist to fit to her size.

The rays of day time shined from the cracks in her wooden ceiling from age. The place built long before her parents who had left it to her in their death. A rapid tapping at the door was heard as [Y/n] grumbled not wanting to get up.

"Come on you lazy cu-" the girl was stopped as [Y/n] answered the door. "Oh," [Y/n] began, "Corbis, what do you want?" She asked rather harshly from still being annoyed at her financial state. A girl stood in front if her wearing a striped shirt and some frat boy shorts. "It's Lieutenant Corbis to you. The townsfolk haven't seen you out of your house in a while and you haven't gotten food for yourself in days. I'm only making a kind gesture." Corbis answered with the same harsh tone.  "Your not even in the royal army how can you be a Lieutenant?! It's always the same things with you bigger channels, your just here to extort me later. Get lost you Gnome." [Y/n] spat at the girl. The twelve year old looked up at her with disgust and threw down the basket of scraps at her feet as she stormed off.

At the sight of the food her stomach began to growl. It had been awhile since she got food. She just really detested having to go to one of the cooking channels like the rest of them.

Again with the messed up system, the Kings provide bigger channels with the necessary things they need for their content and the rest are expected to thrive off of them. So for all the electronics they wanted they were meant to go to an electronics channel or if they needed help repairing something they go to a DIY channel. All of course for a price. Because everyone is labeled by their channels and how popular they are, people just started calling others people channels.

She brought the basket to her bed and began to munch on what looked to be a the leftovers of a food reviewer. Barely touched. "Typical," she scoffed at the food state. She didn't exactly have a microwave and lighting the hearth took too much work so she just ate it cold.

By the time she was finished with her meal the sun had long set and her time had finally come. [Y/n] had made a video long before just for lazy moments like this. The video itself consisted of a terribly written script and a clickbait title just to get a little bit of views. When she made her way out of the house and began tracking towards the middle of the village. Her road down towards the village was sort of near the woods. The streets were illuminated from old gas lamps. There were a couple houses on the way with their lights long put out. Soon enough she got to a proper gravel road.

"Hey," a tired man in a bucket hat greeted her as she walked into the bank like building. The African American man smiled deceivingly as [Y/n] sighed in disappointment. Not because he was black or- it's not a racial- Sigh, never mind. She had hoped that it would have been one of the better of the reactors. But, she can't expect more from a smaller village. The main city has proper channels like The React™ bros that grade content but you must be a citizen with at least a million dedicated viewers to live there. Some still stay though, like Corbis and a couple of her friends.

[Y/n] handed Jinx the SD card from her government issued camera as he began watching it on a monitor. His blank glassy stare was quite disturbing, as if she was looking into the eyes of a dead man as he reviewed her content. After several minutes of dead silence he looked up and smiled. " Its probably gonna get at most 100 views based off of the title alone." The man had said as he began to hand the proper amount of money for 100 views. She had scrunched her eyebrows at this statement. The way he answered it seemed as if he hadn't watched the video at all! "Thanks," [Y/n] mumbled and took her SD card back to place it back into her camera.

Just as she began pushing the card back into the slot of her camera there was a loud bang. A jolt ran through her body as she jumped back to see the sight of Jinks face first on the computer screen and blood dripping from the dead center of his forehead. She turned around to see the man that could have done such a thing. There, stood a man with a tv head and strange looking dark arms with slits through them baring a sniper rifle looking rather smug. "#Rekt," he said under his breath as he made his way towards the counter, pushing [Y/n] in the process. He wore a pink jacket over a grey shirt and black skinny jeans that were tucked into his red converse shoes. [Y/n] shook her head to bring her back to reality. She cursed herself when she saw that she had dropped her camera therefore rendering it completely useless. A surge of anger went through her as she looked at the man who had already jumped the counter.

"What the hell man?!" she yelled at the guy who was frantically typing at the bloodsoaked computer keys. "Oh, sorry about that."he didn't even look up when he answered sending another spike of rage. "This was my only camera! I'm already poor enough and now I wont have a source of income!!!" She began to go off- a thing she would never do if there were more people around. "Why the hell are you here anyway! You look rich, why are you stealing money?!" She took note that he had newer clothes as compared to the old fashioned dress she wore. "I'm not. I'm downloading content." his words were concise as he pulled out a USB that he had brought.

"Why may I ask?" she kept prying for more answers. He looked up at her and scrunched his eyebrows. "Act of rebellion against the latest decree. Why else would I be stealing content?" [Y/n] narrowed her eyes at his statement. "What are you talking about? What was so terrible about the latest decree?" She asked still extremely confused. The man shook his head in frustration. "Oh my god- c'mon we need to go before the expose channels come find us." He jumped back over the counter and began to head towards the door. "Wha-" She tried to ask as he began walking out. [Y/n] glanced back at the body laying on the counter and darted her eyes back to the door. Letting out a groan she ran towards the exit to follow the deep voiced man.

Welcome! If you don't know from my description each story I write has 1,000 to 2,000 words each. There was a lack of pyro x readers  that existed so I took it upon myself to add on to the stain that is the internet. Thank for reading so far and please don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!!! (I'm kidding, I'm not that cancerous just don't forget to vote and comment)

*NEW CHAPTER* Clickbait and The Fox (Pyrocynical x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now