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iDubbbz held the door open as Pyro made his way in with [Y/n] on his back. As soon as they were on dry ground [Y/n] jumped off into the surprisingly small area.

"You have a really tight grip, mate." Pyro mumbled as he tried to rub the pain out of the parts of his shoulder and chest that [Y/n] clenched onto the most with his free hand. "I didn't want to fall because of another rat." [Y/n] shrugged. "Sorry about that, I have bad experiences with rats." Pyro chuckled at his own blunder.

"Can you guys talk somewhere else? Your blocking the path." iDubbbz scolded both of them. "Sorry," [Y/n] apologized as they continued down the narrow hallway to another door. This door, however, looked much more protective and had a better lock. iDubbbz passed up the keys to Pyro who then unlocked the door.

They then all piled into a spacious room that had many luxury things. There were several computers that lined up the wall to her left and a couch area with a big tv to her right. On the computers were a couple of people playing videogames who couldn't care less about them entering. Passed the tv and computers were two tunnels that most likely lead to more rooms. Across the room were several quality cameras. The cement and blanch colors made everything look cold and out of place but it still felt safe to be in.

[Y/n] took a good second to soak in her surroundings. The boys just continued walking knowing exactly where they wanted to be. Pyro went to the couches and sat down as iDubbbz went to the hallway to the left. Shrugging her shoulders, she walked over to Pyro who sat at the raggedy grey couch while he flipped through tv channels. He sat with his ankle to his knee and his tv head tossed carelessly at his feet.

"What channel are you looking for?" [Y/n] asked as she sat down next to him. Her question was answered as a blare of news reporting music came from tv. It lead up to a short man wearing a pointed hat with a white logo and a red tunic. On his smug face sat pitch black sunglasses that matched his dyed beard.

"Whhaaaat is up YouTube nation, I'm your host KillerKeemstar. Leeeets get roooiigt into the news!" He spoke in extended vowels. Pyro shook his head in annoyance. "They shouldn't let criminals like him walk the streets, none the less make videos." Pyro literally snarled. The man on tv kept talking about the smaller news stories so people would stick for the biggest news story. Pyro began to speak over him. "He's the reason I'm like this. He's the reason I can't show my face back in the big city." Pyro began to rant out of anger while still looking up at the tv with disgust.

[Y/n] debated to herself whether or not she should ask, perhaps it's too personal. But then again why would he bring it up if he didn't want to talk about it? It took [Y/n] a good second before she asked. "...what happened?" Her voice was quiet hoping that he didn't hear her. To her surprise he began to answer. "I make one video and he lashed out at me like this. He set a bounty on me and next thing I know I'm being hunted down by his loyal followers. To make it worst he always knew exactly where I was. The only thing I remember was being knocked out and waking up sore and in a fox body." Pyro scoffed while looking at himself. It didn't even occur to [Y/n] that Gnomes, being mythical creatures, had magical properties.

"I wasn't the only one either. One of the other members in the rebellion wasn't turned all the way, but instead into a mutant lizard man. It soon turned him insane." Pyro also mentioned almost to try to make his story seem a bit less pitiful. "To top it all he puts our new faces on his channel to slander our names!" Pyro seemed rather furious while recalling every event. In all honesty this freighted [Y/n] a bit with him yelling with such passion and anger. "Oh," [Y/n] responded. "Yeah, real fucking clever [Y/n]." Her thoughts scolded again.

Luckily for her the gnome began to talk about important stuff and the most recent headlines. "Recently, in a village south of the main city was a robbery with one casualty. Yes. That is right. It happened at an upload station sometime around midnight. Jinx, the person running the upload station got a bullet between the eyes. Take a look." A video of her local upload station popped up with a terrible 'news transition'. The video itself showed Pyro walking in from the front and shooting the guy in the head with [Y/n] standing in shock then later dropping her camera. Before it could show what Pyro was doing the video was cut off.

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