Ch 2: Found

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I'd been aimlessly wandering around for about a week because I got lost in the mix of wilderness and winding urban roads. Who knew that one wrong turn could leave you walking in the opposite direction of your intended destination?

Finally, I was able to make my way into Seoul. The city limits already seemed dense and crowded with buildings towering over my head, but I knew that it'd get even more cramped the deeper into the city I went.

I looked around at the once familiar backdrop only to be greeted by the sight of dilapidated skyscrapers and blood-splattered walls. Nature began to take control once again: trees were poking through the sidewalks, vines were creeping up and down walls, and many surfaces were now buried under a thin film of moss.

There seemed to be something missing though: the undead. The streets were void of movement besides my own and the trees and vines swaying from the gentle spring breeze. I glanced around, confused and alert. Then, I heard gunshots coming from somewhere nearby.

I guessed that the noise attracted all of the zombies. Every fiber in my being wanted to go over and help, but I resisted it. The last time that I had helped a group of people, I was thrown in a jail cell shortly afterwards.

I walked on, enjoying the absence of the undead and the silence until I heard another round of gunshots resonate through the air. I sighed.

"I'll just see what's going on and won't interfere. How about that? That sounds reasonable right? Yeah." I said to myself, convinced that I was only going to observe the source of all of the noise. I readjusted my backpack and the weapons slung over my shoulders and followed the source of the loud noise.

I eventually came across a semi-large horde of the undead. They were crowded around what I could only guess was a group of people, but I couldn't see over all of their heads. Spotting an unlocked building nearby, I decided to climb up to the roof to get a better view.

I quickly made my way up, finally spotting a group of men slowly losing ground to the zombies.

"Dammit Dabin, don't help them. There's no need waste your ammo on them... But it'd be cruel to leave them to be devoured..." I sighed and pulled out my bow and arrows.

Shownu's P.O.V.

"Hyung, we're done for!" Jooheon yelled as he struggled to pull his spiked baseball bat out of a zombie's skull whilst kicking another away.

"Yeah, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm low on ammo right now and these gunshots just keep attracting more of these shitheads." I.M. yelled over the snarling.

I remained silent, knowing that we had little hope for survival. I was just about ready to call it quits from the exhaustion when suddenly, an arrow went through the heads of two zombies that were right next to us. And then, two by two, they began to drop like flies. I looked up, trying to find the source of these projectiles and saw the silhouette of a girl on one of the rooftops. By then, the horde was reduced to a few of the undead, which we easily put down with our non-firearms.

When she noticed that I had spotted her, she ducked out of the way and disappeared back into the building.

"Hyung, did you see the girl up there?" Minhyuk asked, amazed and grateful to have survived.

"Yeah, lets find her and thank her." I said, motioning for the other members to follow me into the building that I spotted her standing on.

The moment I stepped in, I was greeted by an arrow pointed straight at my head and in return the boys aimed their guns at her. I put my hand up in an act of surrender.

"Whoa there, we're not here to hurt you. I just wanted to thank you for helping us." I worded out calmly. I gave her a proper once-over, discovering that she was around our age, maybe a year or two younger, and she was beautiful. I blinked in surprise for a moment, a little flustered.

"You thanked me, now can I leave?" She said in a confident voice slowly lowering her bow. I nodded my head at the boys, telling them to lower their weapons.

"Do you have a group?" I asked, snapping out of whatever trance I was in.

"Why do you need to know?" she asked in response.

"You know, when someone asks a question, you're not supposed to answer with another question. But if you must know: I wanted to know why such a pretty girl would be wandering around in a zombie-infested city alone. It's dangerous out here if you didn't notice already."

"Well if you didn't notice already, this 'pretty girl' can hold her own just fine, unlike you." she scowled and attempted to leave.

"W-w-wait." I stuttered my pride slowly dropping. She paused.


"Can we ask for just one favor?" I asked.

"Depends." She responded bluntly.

"We're really low on supplies. So low, I'm not sure that I we hold up for much longer, do you know of anywhere that we could go to stock up?" I asked, on the brink of pleading.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because you're a nice person? I mean, you have to be for helping us back there." I reassured.

"You promise to leave me alone afterwards?" She asked.

"We'll get out of your hair as soon as we get those supplies."

She thought about it for a moment before sighing and relaxing her shoulders.

"Fine, follow me. I know somewhere that's about a day's hike away."

"Perfect." I said with a grin.

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