Love Wins // A.F.J

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Alfred F Jones x Gender Neutral! Reader

🌈🎊🎉"LOVE WINS"🎉🎊🌈

June 26th, 20XX

You blew your H/c bangs away from your face and fixed the rainbow sash on your white dress/white suit. Today was one of your favourite days of the year; June 26th.

Several years ago on this day, June 26th 2015, Gay marriage was legalised in ALL 50 states. So what did your boyfriend do?

Why, he proposed on that exact day!

You'll never forget all the memories you had with him. How could you ever?

Flashback #1: The Confession
You were trudging along, the autumn leaves crunching under your weight as your bag weighed you down. You snuck glances up every once in a while as "Same Love" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis blasted into your ears.

You loved this song, but keeping the fact that you werent straight from your parents was hard. Especially when they expected so much. It was difficult enough to explain to your teachers why you preferred (insert your name instead of your birth name) instead of (birth name), or why you stuffed your h/c locks into bright rainbow beanies. It was hard correcting the teacher when they used the wrong pronouns, because you are not a (your biological gender), but a (favoured gender).

The only person that seemed to care about you, and helped you when the teachers were pissing you off with their homophobia, was none other than Alfred F Jones.

You had known him since the beginning of fifth grade, and had been friends with him since. He was the one you told your problems to, the one you came out to first. He never pushed you away for not being heterosexual, but simply embraced you as he whispered, "I'm not a hetero, either."

And as the years went by, you and Alfred never drifted. Your love for the blonde American gradually grew over time until you had begun to fall head over heels for him.

"Y-Y/n! Wait up, broski!" He called, as you removed your F/c earbuds and smiled warmly at your best friend.

"Hello, Al." You greeted before taking note of his rosy cheeks. Deciding it was because he probably sprinted to catch up with you, you shrugged it off as the two of you began to head home in a rather awkward silence. Clearing your throat, you looked up from the ground to face Alfred.

"Are you alright, hero? Your unusually quiet." You began, as he quickly shot up and flinched.

"Y-Yeah! Im uh, great dude! Nothing wrong with me, no siree! Just thinking about someone." He explained, mumbling the last part.

"Oh? What are they like?" You asked, feeling your heart sink. Of course he wouldn't like you. You were nothing more than his childhood friend after all...

Alfred's cheeks reddened. "W-well," He removed his face from his American flag scarf.

"They are sweet, kind, awesome, quiet, often misunderstood, they aren't straight," he started, his palms getting sweaty. You cocked up a brow.

'There's no way he is talking about me...' you thought to yourself as you tuned yourself back into what Alfred was saying.

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