Memories // A.K

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Spanish male! Reader x Arthur Kirkland

Prompt: Male! Y/n and Arthur had just recently gotten married and were going over photos that they wanted to place in a picture frame that Alfred, Francis, Gil, the Italian twins and Germany sent them as a gift.

Warning(s): Fluff and Gayness.
(Just like the rest of this book.)


Arthur's eyes fluttered open at the sun light that crept past the forest green curtains. Yawning, his attention was caught by the snoring of his husband, or rather wife, so to speak. Y/n was more or less (though he'd never exactly admit it) the woman in the relationship. Due to the Brit's lack in skill of Home Economics (cleaning, cooking, etc), y/n cooked all the meals, cleaned the house and helped Arthur with their garden.

He felt his heart rate pick up as his 'wife' snored away, the occasional call of his name causing his cheeks to flush. Taking a glance at the clock, his
e/c irises widened as he saw the time displayed by the bright red digits.

"Y/n! Wake up or you'll be late, ya git!" The Englishman exclaimed, shaking the poor, dead-tired Spaniard awake. Y/n scurried out of bed and grabbed his jeans, tugging them on and taking his hoodie as well. He slipped his arms into the sleeves and pulled it over his head, making his way to the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and washed his face before heading back to the already dressed Arthur and placing a kiss onto the blonde's cheek; heading downstairs.

He quickly pulled out eggs, tomatoes and bacon; cooking the three items into an omelet and placing it on a plate. Garnishing it, he put down the plate as the Brit sat down at the granite countertop and began to eat; thanking his husband first.

"Te amo, mi amor." Y/n cheered grabbing his iPhone and hurriedly rushing out the door. Getting into his f/c Honda civic SI, he drove to work.

Meanwhile, Arthur finished off his breakfast and washed the dish, putting it into the dishwasher and making his way up the stairs and opening his laptop. He smiled at the Union Jack as his home screen before opening up YouTube and scrolling through the videos on his feed. A particular message from a certain American caught his eyes and he clicked on it.

'What's up, Artie? Congrats on getting your ideal job and welcome back from your honeymoon, dude! Just decided to say "Hi" so yeah. Hi.' Rolling his eyes, he typed in a formal, 'Hello'. He exited the tab and his eyes wandered back to the clock at the bottom corner of his screen.

'11:29 am' It read as a sigh of disappointment escape his pale pink lips.

Time Skip

Y/n grinned as he came home carrying the cardboard boxes in his arms. He placed them down in front of the black wood door and dished out his keys. Unlocking the door, he opened it and picked up the boxes; making his way inside.

"Mi Amor! I'm home!" He called, thumps were heard as Arthur made his way down the stairs to greet his husband.

"Welcome back." Arthur answered, pecking the Spaniard on the lips before raising a brow as he took a box from his husband.

"What's in here, twat?" He asked, noticing and becoming slightly worried as the grin on Y/n's face began to widen.

"Open it!" The Spanish man replied, opening up the box in his grasp. His curiosity growing, he opened the box and a soft smile crossed his own lips as he took out a beautiful ivory frame. It was a nice warm white frame made of ivory: decorated very simply with three red roses (two small and one big in the center) on both the left top corner and the bottom right corner.

"It's beautiful, love. Where did you find it?" The Englishman questioned, his thumb tracing over the roses.

"My abuela gave it to me before she passed away a few years ago. It's been kept safe by Liz and Roderich until I got married." The h/c-ette explained, smiling with a bit of sadness laced in his tone as he mentioned his grandmother. Arthur hugged his husband. He had met Y/n's Grandmother quite often and she was a wonderful woman. With a similar features to y/n, one could really see that he took after her; looks and personality.

She loved Arthur as much as she loved y/n, and they got along quite well due to their shared love for knitting, tea, gardens and scolding Y/n for doing stupid things.

But all good things come to an end eventually. She had gotten sick a year after y/n and Arthur began to date and on the couples' third year anniversary, September 18th, she passed away from a bad stroke.

"Ah. Is it an heirloom of some sort?" Arthur asked, intrigued by the very thought. This made y/n laugh and he shook his head.

"I was going shopping with mi abuela when she noticed me stare at you talking with Francis." He began, as Arthur propped up one of his Caterpillar brows.

"When was this?" The blonde questioned, as a soft smile crossed his lips.

"Two months before your birthday, February 23." The Spaniard replied, as Arthur nodded.

"I see, go on." Arthur stated.

"Well, since you'd come over many times before, for homework an our projects, she confronted me about my affections for you the night before we went shopping. I confessed, obviously, because she's mi abuela and when I did, she was grinning and crying." Y/n recalled, his own eyes beginning to well up with tears. Before Arthur could say anything, y/n continued after wiping his tears with the sleeves of his jacket.

"So, while we were shopping around and she noticed you, she began to tease me about it and I couldn't deny it because it was true. After that, she told me she needed more balls of yarn and a birthday card to send to one of her amigas, so I tagged along. Once we picked up the balls of yarn, she had brought me to Hallmark with her and purchased this along with the birthday card and that." Y/n finished, picking up another black, wood frame with white roses and the words, "Our Wedding Day".

Y/n smiled and handed the frame to his lover, his grin only widening as Arthur began to grin as well.

"Did you find out what she was knitting?" The Brit asked out of pure curiosity. Y/n's face flushed as he motioned to the box. The Brit took a peek inside and pulled out a beautifully knit quilt.

It was Emerald green with a heart in the middle. The heart had been split in two, one side was the Spanish flag, the other, the union jack. The side of the Spanish had 'y/n m/n l/n' knit on whereas on the British side, 'Arthur Kirkland' was knit. Other tiniest hearts were sectioned around the larger, but what really caught his eye was the cursive, knitted printing on the top that finished at the bottom; 'Together' the top read.
'Forever in love' The bottom finished.

"It's amazing. As expected from your grandmother." Arthur commented as y/n smiled.

Out of the blue, he stooped down and placed a kiss atop of Arthur's head.

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