interruped nap

18 1 5


I jolted awake from the loud screams.

I had no idea what was going on at first, I thought someone had broken in because the front door was wide open. So I grab the fireplace poker for defence as I hear more screams.

"What the hell is going on?" I whisper to myself.

First I checked the basement.


"OH SHIT!" I whisper yell. It's those damn pipes. I'm thinking in my head. The piping in this house carries sound through the whole house and that's what's making it hard to tell what room they are in. It dosent make it better that the Glimpse's own a huge house either.. but no one is in the basement that's good I guess.

I go and check the dinning room. "Clear." I say to myself.

Next is the living room. That's where I was when I woke up so I know no one is in there. I close the front door so the dog and cat don't get out.. unless they already did, I'll look for them later.

I check all the bed rooms, but the parent's, and as I'm walking down the hall to the parent's room I hear more screams. I know I should yell for them but I don't know if someone is in the house I don't wanna draw their attention so I keep quit I open the door to the master bed room. I see a shadow heading to the master bath so I tighten my grip on the fireplace poker and slowly walk towards the master bath and I hear something fall right around the corner from me. At this point my heart is racing and I'm holding on to the fireplace poker for dear life. I turn to face who ever is in the bathroom with the poker above my head ready to swing.

"Hhhhiiiiiiiissssssss" goes the cat with the hair on its back standing up And I look down to see the soap pump on the ground. "Hhhhiiiiiiiissssssss" it goes again. "Fucking cat." I say to my self in a higher tone. I go to walk away and the cat curls in a ball and lays in the sink. Then not looking I go to walk away and trip over the dog laying in the doorway. "Well now I know you guys didn't run away." I say to the dog.

Last is the attic. Fuck do I hate that damn attic.


"Really?" I say. "Damn kids never listening to the rules. It says right on the fucking fridge not to go in the fucking attic." I mumbling to my self adding some more cuss words while going up the stairs.

As I peek my head up the stairs to see what's going I on I see piles of stuff everywhere. And it wasn't like that before... then I see a fucking black thing go right past my face and I fall down those damn stairs and *BANG*

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