Chapter Three

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The bus stops and we arrive at the hell hole known as highschool. With a hiss of air, everyone stands in unison. The doors have opened, the doors to our prison. Nolan manages to ease his way off before the line has gotten too long, I slither off soon after him. I'm two people behind him, yet I still see him descend down the steps. I get off, and, to my utter astonishment, he's waiting for me on the sidewalk.

He smiles that cute little smile of his when I walk up. He's not as tall as he seemed on the bus, he might not even be taller than me. "Hey." I mumble, stopping in front of him.

"Hello." He chirps. "Do you mind if I walk with you?"

Woah. I can't beleive he just asked that, most people wouldn't bother, they'd just go ahead and do it. "Yeah, sure." I begin walking, as does he. Right by my side. I've been in the school before, it's right next to the middle school, so all of us ride the same bus, hence how I knew that it would be so packed. I head straight to the cafeteria.

Normally Ivy would wave me over to a table in some random corner, but not today, I'm forced to find my own empty corner. With Nolan, of course. I flop into an empty plastic chiar, an ugly, bright orange one that numds your butt. I hate these chairs, but where else am I gonna sit?

Nolan takes a seat beside me, then proceeds to pull a piece of paper out of his bag. "What classes do you have?" He asks, seeming to deeply analyze his paper.

"Math first period, then Art, PE, ELA, World History, and Science." I stare blankly at the table as I speak, it's pretty likely we have at least one class together, considering how small this place is.

"Any of these teachers?" He shows me the sheet.

Advanced Algebra:
Mr. Coll

Mrs. Winnsboro

Ms. June

First Lunch

World History:
Mr. Bakes

English Language Arts:
Mr. Burrow

Mr. Winnsboro

"Yeah, actually. We have second, third and sixth period together." I respond after quickly perusing the schedule.

"Oh, that's cool." He stuffs it into his backpack before continuing. "So, uh, I just got here a couple days ago, and I was wondering what the people of this town were like..."

I nod. "They're nice enough, but everybody's a religious bigot. No offense if you beleive in that stuff." I mutter.

"Oh, ok, thanks." Nolan gets jittery all of a sudden, he starts tapping his finger and his foot.

"You ok? As long as you don't talk about it no one cares." I say in monotone.

"Are you sure, like, they don't care about colored hair, and stuff?" He chews his lip.

"Yeah. They don't care, don't voice your opinion, and they won't notice you."

He nervously laughs, what's he so scared of? The worst anyone here could do is yell at him. I can almost guarantee he's been yelled at, and, if not, he's a pussy. Just gonna say it, he is. I get yelled at all the time, for all sorts of stuff. Not putting away the dishes, wearing makeup, not coming directly home after school, having friends over without telling my parents. Basically everything, it feels like it, at least. My two little brothers get treated like gods, and my older sisters are both grown-up and have left the nest.

The bell eventually rings and I jerk my head up in surprise. I stand and head out, a tap on my shoulder stops me short. "Uhh, can you point me to Mr. Coll's room?" Nolan is awkwardly standing behind me, awkwardly fiddling his thumbs, awkwardly staring at the ground. He's just too freakin' adorably awkward.

I use the word "awkward" a lot, what are some other words? Gawky, graceless? Umm, yeah, that's all I can think of. He's gawky.

How long have I been standing here? "Uhh, down that way." I stutter, pointing down a long hallway home to the infamous Mr. Coll. He's supposedly extremely rude and likes to cuss people out. Especially parents, new kids, and freshmen, poor Nolan. Hopefully he's not as bad as everyone says.

On the other hand, Mrs. Ying has been said to be the nicest, most chill teacher here, and she's my first period. I find my way to her room and take a seat. She's a short, pudgy lady with squinty Chinese eyes and a pixie cut. "Herro." Her accent is bothersome, I smile politely, anyway.

"Ditto." I murmer, absently tracing my finger over the patterns in the wooden desk.

"I hope we can get arong ok." She flashes a toothy smile and waddles away. Thank God, I'm not going to survive the year if she talks too much, I can't handle Chinese and Japanese accents, they just tick me off. Somehow, though, other accents are fine, Spanish, British, Irish, but Asian accents are, just, no. No. Just, no.

People trickle in, some run in just as the bell sounds. Class speeds by, we don't do much, the only interesting thing that happens is when Mrs. Ying trips over one of the chairs and falls on her face. I tried really hard not to laugh, but I couldn't hold it. Next period is Art, with Mrs. Winnsboro. And Nolan.

I walk to the beginning of Mr. Coll's hall and wait for Nolan, I see his colored hair as he wanders the halls, looking lost. How should I signal to him? I don't want to be too noticeable and wave my arm around in the air, but he needs to be able to see me...

"Uh, hey, Chase." I jolt my head up when someone quietly says my name, Nolan is standing right in front of me, looking just as awk-gawky and cute as usual.

"Hey, I came to get you so you'd know where the art room was." I feel a blush brush my cheeks for no reason, I didn't do anything embarrassing. Jesus, crushes are the worst, especially when you know your crush, or you're friends with them. You just, like, have to constantly be around them, it's awesome, but it blows at the same time.

He smiles. "Thanks." God, those green eyes.

I peel my own brown ones away from him and clear my throat a little. "So, it's right this way."

A chuckle echos behind me. "You're like a tour guide."

"Just shut up and follow me." I bellow, taking as large of strides as possible.

He doesn't say anything after that, just follows me, like a robot, or something. But, hey, at least he cares enough to listen.

______\(°○°)/-Yeah! Another chapter!
Herro, just gonna write a little thing here. At least this chapter is coming out before midnight! I normally stay up late and just write 'cause I can't sleep. But not today, today I'm gonna publish this before it's dark out, I'm determined. Thanks to my loyal readers, I appreciate comments and the likes. How do you feel about this Nolan guy? Is he gonna be cool, or is he gonna flip? I honestly don't know yet, I kinda just come up with stuff as I write. So, yeah, bye!

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